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eip title description author discussions-to status type category created requires
5521 Referable NFT An ERC-721 extension to construct reference relationships among NFTs Saber Yu (@OniReimu), Qin Wang <qin.wang@data61.csiro.au>, Shange Fu <shange.fu@monash.edu>, Shiping Chen <shiping.chen@data61.csiro.au>, Sherry Xu <xiwei.xu@data61.csiro.au>, Jiangshan Yu <jiangshan.yu@monash.edu> https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip-x-erc-721-referable-nft/10310 Draft Standards Track ERC 2022-08-10 165, 721


This standard is an extension of ERC-721. It proposes two referrable indicators, referring and referred, and a time-based indicator createdTimestamp. The relationship between each NFT forms a Directed acyclic graph (DAG). The standard allows users to query, track and analyze their relationships.


Many scenarios require inheritance, reference, and extension of NFTs. For instance, an artist may develop his NFT work based on a previous NFT, or a DJ may remix his record by referring to two pop songs, etc. Proposing a referable solution for existing NFTs and enabling efficient queries on cross-references make much sense.

By adding the referring indicator, users can mint new NFTs (e.g., C, D, E) by referring to existing NFTs (e.g., A, B), while referred enables the referred NFTs (A, B) to be aware that who has quoted it (e.g., A ← D; C ← E; B ← E, and A ← E). The createdTimestamp is an indicator used to show the creation time of NFTs (A, B, C, D, E).


The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Relationship: a structure that contains referring, referred, createdTimestamp, and other customized attributes such as mapping (uint256 => address) privityOfAgreement recording the ownerships of referred NFTs at the time the rNFTs were being created. referring: an out-degree indicator, used to show the users this NFT refers to; referred: an in-degree indicator, used to show the users who have refereed this NFT; createdTimestamp: a time-based indicator, used to compare the timestamp of mint.

safeMint: mint a new rNFT; setNode: set the referring list of an rNFT and update the referred list of each one in the referring list; setNodeReferring: set the referring list of an rNFT; setNodeReferred: set the referred list of the given rNFTs; setNodeReferredExternal: set the referred list of the given rNFTs sourced from other contracts; referringOf: Get the referring list of an rNFT; referredOf: Get the referred list of an rNFT.


This standard is intended to establish the referable DAG for queries on cross-relationship and accordingly provide the simplest functions. It provides advantages as follows.

Clear ownership inheritance: This standard extends the static NFT into a virtually extensible NFT network. Artists do not have to create work isolated from others. The ownership inheritance avoids reinventing the same wheel.

Incentive Compatibility: This standard clarifies the referable relationship across different NFTs, helping to integrate multiple up-layer incentive models for both original NFT owners and new creators.

Easy Integration: This standard makes it easier for the existing token standards or third-party protocols. For instance, the rNFT can be collaborating with the Top-down composible NFT (cf. ERC-998 to build a finer-grained reference relationship, where the Relationship structure and the interface IERC_rNFT can be seamlessly stored and updated when invoking the mint function). Another example is that the rNFT can be applied to rentable scenarios (cf. ERC-5006 to build a hierarchical rental market, where multiple users can rent the same NFT during the same time or one user can rent multiple NFTs during the same duration).

Scalable Interoperability From March 26th 2023, this standard has been stepping forward by enabling cross-contract references, giving a scalable adoption for the broader public with stronger interoperability.

Backwards Compatibility

This standard can be fully ERC-721 compatible by adding an extension function set.

Test Cases

Truffle and Openzeppelin are required to run the following in a test network.

truffle develop
rNFT = await ERC_rNFT.new("ERC_5521","ERC_5521")



Reference Implementation

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

interface IERC_5521 {

    /// Logged when a node in the rNFT gets referred and changed
    /// @notice Emitted when the `node` (i.e., an rNFT) is changed
    event UpdateNode(uint256 indexed tokenId, 
                     address indexed owner, 
                     address[] _address_referringList,
                     uint256[][] _tokenIds_referringList,
                     address[] _address_referredList,
                     uint256[][] _tokenIds_referredList

    /// @notice set the referred list of an rNFT associated with different contract addresses and update the referring list of each one in the referred list
    /// @param tokenIds array of rNFTs, recommended to check duplication at the caller's end
    function setNode(uint256 tokenId, address[] memory addresses, uint256[][] memory tokenIds) external;

    /// @notice Get the referring list of an rNFT
    /// @param tokenId The considered rNFT, _address The corresponding contract address
    /// @return The referring mapping of an rNFT
    function referringOf(address _address, uint256 tokenId) external view returns(address[] memory, uint256[][] memory);

    /// @notice Get the referred list of an rNFT
    /// @param tokenId The considered rNFT, _address The corresponding contract address
    /// @return The referred mapping of an rNFT
    function referredOf(address _address, uint256 tokenId) external view returns(address[] memory, uint256[][] memory);

interface TargetContract {
    function setNodeReferredExternal(address successor, uint256 tokenId, uint256[] memory _tokenIds) external;
    function referringOf(address _address, uint256 tokenId) external view returns(address[] memory, uint256[][] memory);
    function referredOf(address _address, uint256 tokenId) external view returns(address[] memory, uint256[][] memory);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "./IERC_5521.sol";

contract ERC_5521 is ERC721, IERC_5521, TargetContract {

    struct Relationship {
        mapping (address => uint256[]) referring;
        mapping (address => uint256[]) referred;
        uint256 createdTimestamp; // unix timestamp when the rNFT is being created

    mapping (uint256 => Relationship) internal _relationship;
    address contractOwner = address(0);

    mapping (uint256 => address[]) private referringKeys;
    mapping (uint256 => address[]) private referredKeys;

    constructor(string memory name_, string memory symbol_) ERC721(name_, symbol_) {
        contractOwner = msg.sender;

    function safeMint(uint256 tokenId, address[] memory addresses, uint256[][] memory _tokenIds) public {
        // require(msg.sender == contractOwner, "ERC_rNFT: Only contract owner can mint");
        _safeMint(msg.sender, tokenId);
        setNode(tokenId, addresses, _tokenIds);

    /// @notice set the referred list of an rNFT associated with different contract addresses and update the referring list of each one in the referred list
    /// @param tokenIds array of rNFTs, recommended to check duplication at the caller's end
    function setNode(uint256 tokenId, address[] memory addresses, uint256[][] memory tokenIds) public virtual override {
            addresses.length == tokenIds.length,
            "Addresses and TokenID arrays must have the same length"
        for (uint i = 0; i < tokenIds.length; i++) {
            if (contractOwner != msg.sender && tokenIds[i].length == 0) { revert("ERC_5521: the referring list cannot be empty"); }
        setNodeReferring(addresses, tokenId, tokenIds);
        setNodeReferred(addresses, tokenId, tokenIds);

    /// @notice set the referring list of an rNFT associated with different contract addresses 
    /// @param _tokenIds array of rNFTs associated with addresses, recommended to check duplication at the caller's end
    function setNodeReferring(address[] memory addresses, uint256 tokenId, uint256[][] memory _tokenIds) private {
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, tokenId), "ERC_5521: transfer caller is not owner nor approved");

        Relationship storage relationship = _relationship[tokenId];

        for (uint i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
            if (relationship.referring[addresses[i]].length == 0) { referringKeys[tokenId].push(addresses[i]); } // Add the address if it's a new entry
            relationship.referring[addresses[i]] = _tokenIds[i];

        relationship.createdTimestamp = block.timestamp;
        emitEvents(tokenId, msg.sender);

    /// @notice set the referred list of an rNFT associated with different contract addresses 
    /// @param _tokenIds array of rNFTs associated with addresses, recommended to check duplication at the caller's end
    function setNodeReferred(address[] memory addresses, uint256 tokenId, uint256[][] memory _tokenIds) private {
        for (uint i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
            if (_relationship[tokenId].referred[addresses[i]].length == 0) { referredKeys[tokenId].push(addresses[i]); } // Add the address if it's a new entry
            if (addresses[i] == address(this)) {
                for (uint j = 0; j < _tokenIds[i].length; j++) {
                    Relationship storage relationship = _relationship[_tokenIds[i][j]];

                    require(tokenId != _tokenIds[i][j], "ERC_5521: self-reference not allowed");
                    if (relationship.createdTimestamp >= block.timestamp) { revert("ERC_5521: the referred rNFT needs to be a predecessor"); } // Make sure the reference complies with the timing sequence

                    emitEvents(_tokenIds[i][j], ownerOf(_tokenIds[i][j]));
            } else {
                TargetContract targetContractInstance = TargetContract(addresses[i]);
                targetContractInstance.setNodeReferredExternal(addresses[i], tokenId, _tokenIds[i]);

    /// @notice set the referred list of an rNFT associated with different contract addresses 
    /// @param _tokenIds array of rNFTs associated with addresses, recommended to check duplication at the caller's end
    function setNodeReferredExternal(address _address, uint256 tokenId, uint256[] memory _tokenIds) external {
        for (uint i = 0; i < _tokenIds.length; i++) {
            Relationship storage relationship = _relationship[_tokenIds[i]];

            require(_address == address(this), "ERC_5521: this must be an external contract address");
            if (relationship.createdTimestamp >= block.timestamp) { revert("ERC_5521: the referred rNFT needs to be a predecessor"); } // Make sure the reference complies with the timing sequence

            emitEvents(_tokenIds[i], ownerOf(_tokenIds[i]));

    /// @notice Get the referring list of an rNFT
    /// @param tokenId The considered rNFT, _address The corresponding contract address
    /// @return The referring mapping of an rNFT
    function referringOf(address _address, uint256 tokenId) external view virtual override(IERC_5521, TargetContract) returns (address[] memory, uint256[][] memory) {
        address[] memory _referringKeys;
        uint256[][] memory _referringValues;

        if (_address == address(this)) {
            require(_exists(tokenId), "ERC_5521: token ID not existed");
            (_referringKeys, _referringValues) = convertMap(tokenId, true);
        } else {
            TargetContract targetContractInstance = TargetContract(_address);
            (_referringKeys, _referringValues) = targetContractInstance.referringOf(_address, tokenId);           
        return (_referringKeys, _referringValues);

    /// @notice Get the referred list of an rNFT
    /// @param tokenId The considered rNFT, _address The corresponding contract address
    /// @return The referred mapping of an rNFT
    function referredOf(address _address, uint256 tokenId) external view virtual override(IERC_5521, TargetContract) returns (address[] memory, uint256[][] memory) {
        address[] memory _referredKeys;
        uint256[][] memory _referredValues;

        if (_address == address(this)) {
            require(_exists(tokenId), "ERC_5521: token ID not existed");
            (_referredKeys, _referredValues) = convertMap(tokenId, false);
        } else {
            TargetContract targetContractInstance = TargetContract(_address);
            (_referredKeys, _referredValues) = targetContractInstance.referredOf(_address, tokenId);           
        return (_referredKeys, _referredValues);

    /// @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
        return interfaceId == type(IERC_5521).interfaceId
            || interfaceId == type(TargetContract).interfaceId
            || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);    

    // @notice Emit an event of UpdateNode
    function emitEvents(uint256 tokenId, address sender) private {
        (address[] memory _referringKeys, uint256[][] memory _referringValues) = convertMap(tokenId, true);
        (address[] memory _referredKeys, uint256[][] memory _referredValues) = convertMap(tokenId, false);
        emit UpdateNode(tokenId, sender, _referringKeys, _referringValues, _referredKeys, _referredValues);

    // @notice Convert a specific `local` token mapping to a key array and a value array
    function convertMap(uint256 tokenId, bool isReferring) private view returns (address[] memory, uint256[][] memory) {
        Relationship storage relationship = _relationship[tokenId];

        address[] memory returnKeys;
        uint256[][] memory returnValues;

        if (isReferring) {
            returnKeys = referringKeys[tokenId];
            returnValues = new uint256[][](returnKeys.length);
            for (uint i = 0; i < returnKeys.length; i++) {
                returnValues[i] = relationship.referring[returnKeys[i]];
        } else {
            returnKeys = referredKeys[tokenId];
            returnValues = new uint256[][](returnKeys.length);
            for (uint i = 0; i < returnKeys.length; i++) {
                returnValues[i] = relationship.referred[returnKeys[i]];
        return (returnKeys, returnValues);

Security Considerations

The createdTimestamp only covers the block-level timestamp (based on block headers), which does not support fine-grained comparisons such as transaction-level.

The change of ownership has nothing to do with the reference relationship. Normally, the distribution of profits complies to the aggreement when the NFT was being created regardless of the change of ownership unless specified in the agreement.

In the context of collaborating with ERC-998, referring a token will not refer its descendants by default. In the case that only a specific child token gets referred, it means the privity of contract will involve nobody other than the owner of this specific child token. Alternatively, a chain-of-reference all the way from the root token to a specific very bottom child token (from root to leaf) can be constructured and recorded in the referring to explicitly define the distribution of profits.

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