@ -15,27 +15,37 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let thread_request = CreateThreadRequestArgs::default().build()?;
let thread = client.threads().create(thread_request.clone()).await?;
//ask the user for the name of the assistant
println!("--- Enter the name of your assistant");
//get user input
let mut assistant_name = String::new();
std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut assistant_name).unwrap();
////ask the user for the name of the assistant
//println!("--- Enter the name of your assistant");
////get user input
//let mut assistant_name = String::new();
//std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut assistant_name).unwrap();
//ask the user for the instruction set for the assistant
println!("--- Enter the instruction set for your new assistant");
//get user input
let mut instructions = String::new();
std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut instructions).unwrap();
////ask the user for the instruction set for the assistant
//println!("--- Enter the instruction set for your new assistant");
////get user input
//let mut instructions = String::new();
//std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut instructions).unwrap();
////create the assistant
//let assistant_request = CreateAssistantRequestArgs::default()
// .name(&assistant_name)
// .instructions(&instructions)
// .model("gpt-3.5-turbo-1106")
// .build()?;
//let assistant = client.assistants().create(assistant_request).await?;
////get the id of the assistant
//let assistant_id = &assistant.id;
//create the assistant
let assistant_request = CreateAssistantRequestArgs::default()
let assistant = client.assistants().create(assistant_request).await?;
//get the id of the assistant
let assistant_id = &assistant.id;
println!("--- Enter the your assistant ID");
//get user input
let mut assistant_id = String::new();
std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut assistant_id).unwrap();
// retrives the assistant using the assistant_id
let assistant = client.assistants().retrieve(&assistant_id).await?;
//get the id of the assistant by shadowing from the assistant instance
let assistant_id: &str = &assistant.id;
println!("--- How can I help you?");