
39 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {AA} from "../src/AA.sol";
//import {nfts} from "../.env";
contract AATest is Test {
AA public aaContract;
string public baseURI;
string[] public nfts;
function setUp() public {
baseURI = "";
// Import nfts array from .env and split by ' '
nfts = vm.envString("nfts", ' ');
aaContract = new AA("DCO2s", "DCO2", baseURI, nfts);
// @notice this code safe mints an NFT to address 0x1
function testMint() public {
address to = address(0x1);
aaContract.mintNFT(to, 0);
address dco2scAddress = address(aaContract.dco2sc());
//assertEq(aaContract.ownerOf(0), to, "Token should be minted to specified address.");
// Test mint all NFTs but -20
// Test Invite Eligible
// test Check If Eligible
// Test Airdrop
// Test Others