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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "openzeppelin-contracts/interfaces/IERC20.sol";
import "openzeppelin-contracts/interfaces/IERC165.sol";
/// @title Interface for IERC5827 contracts
/// @notice Please see https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-5827 for more details on the goals of this interface
/// @author Zac (zlace0x), zhongfu (zhongfu), Edison (edison0xyz)
interface IERC5827 is IERC20, IERC165 {
/// Note: the ERC-165 identifier for this interface is 0x93cd7af6.
/// 0x93cd7af6 ===
/// bytes4(keccak256('approveRenewable(address,uint256,uint256)')) ^
/// bytes4(keccak256('renewableAllowance(address,address)')) ^
/// bytes4(keccak256('approve(address,uint256)') ^
/// bytes4(keccak256('transferFrom(address,address,uint256)') ^
/// bytes4(keccak256('allowance(address,address)') ^
/// @dev Thrown when there available allowance is lesser than transfer amount
/// @param available Allowance available, 0 if unset
error InsufficientRenewableAllowance(uint256 available);
/// @notice Emitted when a new renewable allowance is set.
/// @param _owner owner of token
/// @param _spender allowed spender of token
/// @param _value initial and maximum allowance given to spender
/// @param _recoveryRate recovery amount per second
event RenewableApproval(
address indexed _owner,
address indexed _spender,
uint256 _value,
uint256 _recoveryRate
/// @notice Grants an allowance of `_value` to `_spender` initially, which recovers over time based on `_recoveryRate` up to a limit of `_value`.
/// SHOULD throw when `_recoveryRate` is larger than `_value`.
/// MUST emit `RenewableApproval` event.
/// @param _spender allowed spender of token
/// @param _value initial and maximum allowance given to spender
/// @param _recoveryRate recovery amount per second
function approveRenewable(
address _spender,
uint256 _value,
uint256 _recoveryRate
) external returns (bool success);
/// @notice Returns approved max amount and recovery rate.
/// @return amount initial and maximum allowance given to spender
/// @return recoveryRate recovery amount per second
function renewableAllowance(
address _owner,
address _spender
) external view returns (uint256 amount, uint256 recoveryRate);
/// Overridden EIP-20 functions
/// @notice Grants a (non-increasing) allowance of _value to _spender.
/// MUST clear set _recoveryRate to 0 on the corresponding renewable allowance, if any.
/// @param _spender allowed spender of token
/// @param _value allowance given to spender
function approve(
address _spender,
uint256 _value
) external returns (bool success);
/// @notice Moves `amount` tokens from `from` to `to` using the
/// allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's
/// allowance factoring in recovery rate logic.
/// SHOULD throw when there is insufficient allowance
/// @param from token owner address
/// @param to token recipient
/// @param amount amount of token to transfer
/// @return success True if the function is successful, false if otherwise
function transferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount
) external returns (bool success);
/// @notice Returns amounts spendable by `_spender`.
/// @param _owner Address of the owner
/// @param _spender spender of token
/// @return remaining allowance at the current point in time
function allowance(
address _owner,
address _spender
) external view returns (uint256 remaining);