
28 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
pragma solidity ^0.7.1;
import "./BaseSalary.sol";
/// @title "Salary" that is paid one token per second using minted conditionals.
/// @author Victor Porton
/// @notice Not audited, not enough tested.
contract Salary is BaseSalary {
/// @param _uri The ERC-1155 token URI.
constructor(string memory _uri) BaseSalary(_uri) { }
/// Register a salary recipient.
/// Can be called both before or after the oracle finish. However registering after the finish is useless.
/// Anyone can register anyone (useful for robots registering a person).
/// Registering another person is giving him money against his will (forcing to hire bodyguards, etc.),
/// but if one does not want, he can just not associate this address with his identity in his publications.
/// @param _customer The original address.
/// @param _oracleId The oracle ID.
/// @param _data The current data.
function registerCustomer(address _customer, uint64 _oracleId, bytes calldata _data)
virtual public returns (uint256)
return _registerCustomer(_customer, _oracleId, _data);