import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers"; import { SignerWithAddress } from "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { ethers } from "hardhat"; import { EIP5058Mock } from "typechain-types"; describe("ERC5058 contract", function() { let owner: SignerWithAddress; let alice: SignerWithAddress; let EIP5058: EIP5058Mock; beforeEach(async () => { [owner, alice] = await ethers.getSigners(); const ERC5058Factory = await ethers.getContractFactory("EIP5058Mock"); EIP5058 = await ERC5058Factory.deploy("ERC5058Mock", "ERC5058"); }); it("Deployment should assign the total supply of tokens to the owner", async function() { const ownerBalance = await EIP5058.balanceOf(owner.address); expect(await EIP5058.totalSupply()).to.equal(ownerBalance); }); it("lockMint works", async function() { const NFTId = 0; const block = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber(); await EIP5058.lockMint(alice.address, NFTId, block + 2); expect(await EIP5058.lockExpiredTime(NFTId)).eq(block + 2); expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(true); expect(await EIP5058.lockerOf(NFTId)).eq(owner.address); }); it("Can not transfer when token is locked", async function() { const NFTId = 0; const block = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber(); await EIP5058.lockMint(owner.address, NFTId, block + 3); expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(true); // can not transfer when token is locked await expect(EIP5058.transferFrom(owner.address, alice.address, NFTId)) "ERC5058: token transfer while locked", ); // can transfer when token is unlocked await ethers.provider.send("evm_mine", []); expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(false); await EIP5058.transferFrom(owner.address, alice.address, NFTId); expect(await EIP5058.ownerOf(NFTId)).eq(alice.address); }); it("isLocked works", async function() { const NFTId = 0; const block = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber(); await EIP5058.lockMint(owner.address, NFTId, block + 2); // isLocked works expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(true); await ethers.provider.send("evm_mine", []); expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(false); }); it("lock works", async function() { const NFTId = 0; let block = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber(); await EIP5058.lockMint(owner.address, NFTId, block + 3); expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(true); await expect(EIP5058.lock(NFTId, block + 5)) "ERC5058: token is locked", ); await ethers.provider.send("evm_mine", []); expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(false); await EIP5058.lock(NFTId, block + 5); }); it("unlock works with lockMint", async function() { const NFTId = 0; const block = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber(); await EIP5058.lockMint(owner.address, NFTId, block + 3); // unlock works expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(true); expect(await EIP5058.lockerOf(NFTId)).eq(owner.address); await EIP5058.unlock(NFTId); expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(false); }); it("unlock works", async function() { const NFTId = 0; await, NFTId); await expect(EIP5058.unlock(NFTId)) "ERC5058: locker query for non-locked token", ); const block = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber(); await EIP5058.lock(NFTId, block + 3); expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(true); await EIP5058.unlock(NFTId); expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(false); }); it("lockApprove works", async function() { const NFTId = 0; await, NFTId); let block = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber(); await expect(EIP5058.lock(NFTId, block + 4)) "ERC5058: lock caller is not owner nor approved", ); await EIP5058.connect(alice).lockApprove(owner.address, NFTId); expect(await EIP5058.getLockApproved(NFTId)).eq(owner.address); await EIP5058.lock(NFTId, block + 8); expect(await EIP5058.isLocked(NFTId)).eq(true); await expect(EIP5058.lockApprove(alice.address, NFTId)) "ERC5058: token is locked", ); }); it("setLockApproveForAll works", async function() { const NFTId = 0; await, NFTId); const block = await ethers.provider.getBlockNumber(); await expect(EIP5058.lock(NFTId, block + 2)) "ERC5058: lock caller is not owner nor approved", ); await EIP5058.connect(alice).setLockApprovalForAll(owner.address, true); expect(await EIP5058.isLockApprovedForAll(alice.address, owner.address)).eq(true); await EIP5058.lock(NFTId, block + 6); await EIP5058.connect(alice).setLockApprovalForAll(owner.address, false); expect(await EIP5058.isLockApprovedForAll(alice.address, owner.address)).eq(false); }); });