// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0; /*------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @title ERC6123 Smart Derivative Contract * @dev Interface specification for a Smart Derivative Contract, which specifies the post-trade live cycle of an OTC financial derivative in a completely deterministic way. * Counterparty Risk is removed by construction. * * A Smart Derivative Contract is a deterministic settlement protocol which has economically the same behaviour as a collateralized OTC financial derivative. * It aims is to remove many inefficiencies in collateralized OTC transactions and remove counterparty credit risk by construction. * * In contrast to a collateralized derivative contract based and collateral flows are netted. As result, the smart derivative contract generates a stream of * reflecting the settlement of a referenced underlying. The settlement cash flows may be daily (which is the standard frequency in traditional markets) * or at higher frequencies. * With each settlement flow the change is the (discounting adjusted) net present value of the underlying contract is exchanged and the value of the contract is reset to zero. * * To automatically process settlement, counterparties need to provide sufficient prefunded margin amounts and termination fees at the * beginning of each settlement cycle. Through a settlement cycle the margin amounts are locked. Simplified, the contract reverts the classical scheme of * 1) underlying valuation, then 2) funding of a margin call to * 1) pre-funding of a margin buffer (a token), then 2) settlement. * * A SDC automatically terminates the derivatives contract if there is insufficient pre-funding or if the settlement amount exceeds a * prefunded margin balance. Beyond mutual termination is also intended by the function specification. * * Events and Functionality specify the entire live cycle: TradeInception, TradeConfirmation, TradeTermination, Margin-Account-Mechanics, Valuation and Settlement. * * The process can be described by time points and time-intervals which are associated with well defined states: *
  1. t < T* (befrore incept). *
  2. *
  3. * The process runs in cycles. Let i = 0,1,2,... denote the index of the cycle. Within each cycle there are times * T_{i,0}, T_{i,1}, T_{i,2}, T_{i,3} with T_{i,1} = pre-funding of the Smart Contract, T_{i,2} = request valuation from oracle, T_{i,3} = perform settlement on given valuation, T_{i+1,0} = T_{i,3}. *
  4. *
  5. * Given this time discretization the states are assigned to time points and time intervalls: *
    Before incept or after terminate
    * *
    T* < t < T_{0}, where T* is time of incept and T_{0} = T_{0,0}
    * *
    T_{i,0} < t < T_{i,1}
    * *
    t = T_{i,1}
    * *
    T_{i,1} < t < T_{i,2}
    * *
    T_{i,2} < t < T_{i,3}
    * *
    t = T_{i,3}
  6. *
*/ interface ISDC { /*------------------------------------------- EVENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @dev Emitted when a new trade is incepted from a eligible counterparty * @param initiator is the address from which trade was incepted * @param tradeId is the trade ID (e.g. generated internally) * @param tradeData holding the trade parameters */ event TradeIncepted(address initiator, string tradeId, string tradeData); /** * @dev Emitted when an incepted trade is confirmed by the opposite counterparty * @param confirmer the confirming party * @param tradeId the trade identifier */ event TradeConfirmed(address confirmer, string tradeId); /** * @dev Emitted when a confirmed trade is set to active - e.g. when termination fee amounts are provided * @param tradeId the trade identifier of the activated trade */ event TradeActivated(string tradeId); /** * @dev Emitted when an active trade is terminated * @param cause string holding the cause of the termination */ event TradeTerminated(string cause); /** * @dev Emitted when funding phase is initiated */ event ProcessAwaitingFunding(); /** * @dev Emitted when margin balance was updated and sufficient funding is provided */ event ProcessFunded(); /** * @dev Emitted when a valuation and settlement is requested * @param tradeData holding the stored trade data * @param lastSettlementData holding the settlementdata from previous settlement (next settlement will be the increment of next valuation compared to former valuation) */ event ProcessSettlementRequest(string tradeData, string lastSettlementData); /** * @dev Emitted when a settlement was processed succesfully */ event ProcessSettled(); /** * @dev Emitted when a counterparty proactively requests an early termination of the underlying trade * @param cpAddress the address of the requesting party * @param tradeId the trade identifier which is supposed to be terminated */ event TradeTerminationRequest(address cpAddress, string tradeId); /** * @dev Emitted when early termination request is confirmed by the opposite party * @param cpAddress the party which confirms the trade termination * @param tradeId the trade identifier which is supposed to be terminated */ event TradeTerminationConfirmed(address cpAddress, string tradeId); /*------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONALITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /// Trade Inception /** * @notice Handles trade inception, stores trade data * @dev emits a {TradeIncepted} event * @param _tradeData a description of the trade specification e.g. in xml format, suggested structure - see assets/eip-6123/doc/sample-tradedata-filestructure.xml * @param _initialSettlementData the initial settlement data (e.g. initial market data at which trade was incepted) */ function inceptTrade(string memory _tradeData, string memory _initialSettlementData) external; /** * @notice Performs a matching of provided trade data and settlement data * @dev emits a {TradeConfirmed} event if trade data match * @param _tradeData a description of the trade in sdc.xml, e.g. in xml format, suggested structure - see assets/eip-6123/doc/sample-tradedata-filestructure.xml * @param _initialSettlementData the initial settlement data (e.g. initial market data at which trade was incepted) */ function confirmTrade(string memory _tradeData, string memory _initialSettlementData) external; /// Settlement Cycle: Prefunding /** * @notice Called from outside to check and secure pre-funding. Terminate the trade if prefunding fails. * @dev emits a {ProcessFunded} event if prefunding check is successful or a {TradeTerminated} event if prefunding check fails */ function initiatePrefunding() external; /// Settlement Cycle: Settlement /** * @notice Called to trigger a (maybe external) valuation of the underlying contract and afterwards the according settlement process * @dev emits a {ProcessSettlementRequest} */ function initiateSettlement() external; /** * @notice Called from outside to trigger according settlement on chain-balances callback for initiateSettlement() event handler * @dev emits a {ProcessSettled} if settlement is successful or {TradeTerminated} if settlement fails * @param settlementAmount the settlement amount. If settlementAmount > 0 then receivingParty receives this amount from other party. If settlementAmount < 0 then other party receives -settlementAmount from receivingParty. * @param settlementData. the tripple (product, previousSettlementData, settlementData) determines the settlementAmount. */ function performSettlement(int256 settlementAmount, string memory settlementData) external; /// Trade termination /** * @notice Called from a counterparty to request a mutual termination * @dev emits a {TradeTerminationRequest} * @param tradeId the trade identifier which is supposed to be terminated */ function requestTradeTermination(string memory tradeId) external; /** * @notice Called from a counterparty to confirm a termination, which will triggers a final settlement before trade gets inactive * @dev emits a {TradeTerminationConfirmed} * @param tradeId the trade identifier of the trade which is supposed to be terminated */ function confirmTradeTermination(string memory tradeId) external; }