const { assert } = require("chai"); const { expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const ERC5496Demo = artifacts.require("ERC5496Demo"); contract("ERC5496", async accounts => { const Alice = accounts[0]; const Bob = accounts[1]; const Tom = accounts[2]; let demoContract; before(async function() { const instance = await ERC5496Demo.deployed("ERC5496Demo", "EPD"); demoContract = instance; await, Alice); await, Alice); await, Alice); await demoContract.increasePrivileges(false); await demoContract.increasePrivileges(false); }) it("Should set privilege 0 to Bob", async () => { let expires = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) + 5000; await demoContract.setPrivilege(1, 0, Bob, BigInt(expires)); let user_hasP0 = await demoContract.hasPrivilege(1, 0, Bob); assert.equal( user_hasP0, true, "Privilege 0 of NFT 1 should be Bob" ); }); it("Privilege should belong to the owner by default", async () => { let owner_1 = await demoContract.ownerOf(1); assert.equal( owner_1, Alice , "Owner of NFT 1 should be Alice" ); let user_hasP1 = await demoContract.hasPrivilege(1, 1, Alice); assert.equal( user_hasP1, true, "Privilege 1 of NFT 1 should be Alice" ); }); it("The privilege holder is allowed to transfer the privilege to others", async () => { let expires = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) + 5000; await demoContract.setPrivilege(2, 0, Bob, BigInt(expires)); let user_hasP0 = await demoContract.hasPrivilege(2, 0, Bob); assert.equal( user_hasP0, true, "Privilege 0 of NFT 2 should be Bob" ); await demoContract.setPrivilege(2, 0, Tom, BigInt(expires + 100), { from: Bob }) user_hasP0 = await demoContract.hasPrivilege(2, 0, Tom); assert.equal( user_hasP0, true, "Privilege 0 of NFT 2 should be Tom" ); let privilege_info = await demoContract.getPrivilegeInfo(2, 0); assert.equal( privilege_info.expiresAt, expires, "Only owner can set the expiresAt" ) }); it("User is allowed to transfer NFT while privileges on renting", async () => { await demoContract.transferFrom(Alice, Bob, 1); let owner_1 = await demoContract.ownerOf(1); assert.equal( owner_1, Bob, "Owner of NFT 1 should be Bob" ); let expires = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) + 1000; await demoContract.setPrivilege(1, 1, Tom, BigInt(expires), { from: Bob }); let user_hasP1 = await demoContract.hasPrivilege(1, 1, Tom); assert.equal( user_hasP1, true, "Bob should be allowed to set the unassigned privilege to Tom" ); }); it("NFT owner may change the privileges total for each tokenId", async () => { await demoContract.increasePrivileges(false); let owner_1 = await demoContract.ownerOf(1); let user_hasP2 = await demoContract.hasPrivilege(1, 2, owner_1); assert.equal( user_hasP2, true, "privilege 2 available after NFT owner update the privilege total" ); }); it("NFT owner should not change the privilege if it has been assigned", async () => { let expires = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) + 5000; await demoContract.setPrivilege(3, 0, Bob, BigInt(expires)); await expectRevert( demoContract.setPrivilege(3, 0, Tom, BigInt(expires)), "ERC721: transfer caller is not owner nor approved", ); }); it("NFT should support interface IERC5496", async () => { const interfaceIds = { IERC165: "0x01ffc9a7", IERC721: "0x80ac58cd", IERC5496: "0x076e1bbb", } for(let interfaceName in interfaceIds) { let isSupport = await demoContract.supportsInterface(interfaceIds[interfaceName]); assert.equal(isSupport, true, "NFT should support interface "+interfaceName); } }) });