import { ethers } from "hardhat"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { BigNumber, Contract } from "ethers"; import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers"; import { SignerWithAddress } from "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers"; import { ERC721Mock, EmotableRepository } from "../typechain-types"; function bn(x: number): BigNumber { return BigNumber.from(x); } async function tokenFixture() { const factory = await ethers.getContractFactory("ERC721Mock"); const token = await factory.deploy("Chunky", "CHNK"); await token.deployed(); return token; } async function emotableRepositoryFixture() { const factory = await ethers.getContractFactory("EmotableRepository"); const repository = await factory.deploy(); await repository.deployed(); return repository; } describe("RMRKEmotableRepositoryMock", async function () { let token: ERC721Mock; let repository: EmotableRepository; let owner: SignerWithAddress; let addrs: SignerWithAddress[]; const tokenId = bn(1); const emoji1 = Buffer.from("😎"); const emoji2 = Buffer.from("😁"); beforeEach(async function () { [owner, ...addrs] = await ethers.getSigners(); token = await loadFixture(tokenFixture); repository = await loadFixture(emotableRepositoryFixture); }); it("can support IEmotableRepository", async function () { expect(await repository.supportsInterface("0x08eb97a6")).to.equal(true); }); it("can support IERC165", async function () { expect(await repository.supportsInterface("0x01ffc9a7")).to.equal(true); }); it("does not support other interfaces", async function () { expect(await repository.supportsInterface("0xffffffff")).to.equal(false); }); describe("With minted tokens", async function () { beforeEach(async function () { await, tokenId); }); it("can emote", async function () { await expect( repository.connect(addrs[0]).emote(token.address, tokenId, emoji1, true) ) .to.emit(repository, "Emoted") .withArgs( addrs[0].address, token.address, tokenId.toNumber(), emoji1, true ); expect( await repository.emoteCountOf(token.address, tokenId, emoji1) ).to.equal(bn(1)); }); it("can undo emote", async function () { await repository.emote(token.address, tokenId, emoji1, true); await expect(repository.emote(token.address, tokenId, emoji1, false)) .to.emit(repository, "Emoted") .withArgs( owner.address, token.address, tokenId.toNumber(), emoji1, false ); expect( await repository.emoteCountOf(token.address, tokenId, emoji1) ).to.equal(bn(0)); }); it("can be emoted from different accounts", async function () { await repository .connect(addrs[0]) .emote(token.address, tokenId, emoji1, true); await repository .connect(addrs[1]) .emote(token.address, tokenId, emoji1, true); await repository .connect(addrs[2]) .emote(token.address, tokenId, emoji2, true); expect( await repository.emoteCountOf(token.address, tokenId, emoji1) ).to.equal(bn(2)); expect( await repository.emoteCountOf(token.address, tokenId, emoji2) ).to.equal(bn(1)); }); it("can add multiple emojis to same NFT", async function () { await repository.emote(token.address, tokenId, emoji1, true); await repository.emote(token.address, tokenId, emoji2, true); expect( await repository.emoteCountOf(token.address, tokenId, emoji1) ).to.equal(bn(1)); expect( await repository.emoteCountOf(token.address, tokenId, emoji2) ).to.equal(bn(1)); }); it("does nothing if new state is the same as old state", async function () { await repository.emote(token.address, tokenId, emoji1, true); await repository.emote(token.address, tokenId, emoji1, true); expect( await repository.emoteCountOf(token.address, tokenId, emoji1) ).to.equal(bn(1)); await repository.emote(token.address, tokenId, emoji2, false); expect( await repository.emoteCountOf(token.address, tokenId, emoji2) ).to.equal(bn(0)); }); }); });