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// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0;
import "./ISDC.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
* @title Reference Implementation of ERC6123 - Smart Derivative Contract
* @notice This reference implementation is based on a finite state machine with predefined trade and process states (see enums below)
* Some comments on the implementation:
* - trade and process states are used in modifiers to check which function is able to be called at which state
* - trade data are stored in the contract
* - trade data matching is done in incept and confirm routine (comparing the hash of the provided data)
* - ERC-20 token is used for three participants: counterparty1 and counterparty2 and sdc
* - when prefunding is done sdc contract will hold agreed amounts and perform settlement on those
* - sdc also keeps track on internal balances for each counterparty
* - during prefunding sdc will transfer required amounts to its own balance - therefore sufficient approval is needed
* - upon termination all remaining 'locked' amounts will be transferred back to the counterparties
contract SDC is ISDC {
* Trade States
enum TradeState {
* State before the trade is incepted.
* Incepted: Trade data submitted by one party. Market data for initial valuation is set.
* Confirmed: Trade data accepted by other party.
* Active (Confirmend + Prefunded Termination Fees). Will cycle through process states.
* Terminated.
* Process States. t < T* (vor incept). The process runs in cycles. Let i = 0,1,2,... denote the index of the cycle. Within each cycle there are times
* T_{i,0}, T_{i,1}, T_{i,2}, T_{i,3} with T_{i,1} = pre-funding of the Smart Contract, T_{i,2} = request valuation from oracle, T_{i,3} = perform settlement on given valuation, T_{i+1,0} = T_{i,3}.
* Given this time discretization the states are assigned to time points and time intervalls:
* Idle: Before incept or after terminate
* Initiation: T* < t < T_{0}, where T* is time of incept and T_{0} = T_{0,0}
* AwaitingFunding: T_{i,0} < t < T_{i,1}
* Funding: t = T_{i,1}
* AwaitingSettlement: T_{i,1} < t < T_{i,2}
* ValuationAndSettlement: T_{i,2} < t < T_{i,3}
* Settled: t = T_{i,3}
enum ProcessState {
* @dev The process has not yet started or is terminated
* @dev The process is initiated (incepted, but not yet completed confimation). Next: AwaitingFunding
* @dev Awaiiting preparation for funding the smart contract. Next: Funding
* @dev Prefunding the smart contract. Next: AwaitingSettlement
* @dev The smart contract is completely funded and awaits settlement. Next: ValuationAndSettlement
* @dev The settlement process is initiated. Next: Settled or InTermination
* @dev Termination started.
struct MarginRequirement {
int256 buffer;
int256 terminationFee;
* Modifiers serve as guards whether at a specific process state a specific function can be called
modifier onlyCounterparty() {
require(msg.sender == party1 || msg.sender == party2, "You are not a counterparty."); _;
modifier onlyWhenTradeInactive() {
require(tradeState == TradeState.Inactive, "Trade state is not 'Inactive'."); _;
modifier onlyWhenTradeIncepted() {
require(tradeState == TradeState.Incepted, "Trade state is not 'Incepted'."); _;
modifier onlyWhenProcessAwaitingFunding() {
require(processState == ProcessState.AwaitingFunding, "Process state is not 'AwaitingFunding'."); _;
modifier onlyWhenProcessFundedAndTradeActive() {
require(processState == ProcessState.Funded && tradeState == TradeState.Active, "Process state is not 'Funded' or Trade is not 'Active'."); _;
modifier onlyWhenProcessValuationAndSettlement() {
require(processState == ProcessState.ValuationAndSettlement, "Process state is not 'ValuationAndSettlement'."); _;
TradeState private tradeState;
ProcessState private processState;
address public party1;
address public party2;
address private immutable receivingPartyAddress; // Determine the receiver: Positive values are consider to be received by receivingPartyAddress. Negative values are received by the other counterparty.
* liquidityToken holds:
* - funding account of party1
* - funding account of party2
* - account for SDC (sum - this is split among parties by sdcBalances)
IERC20 private liquidityToken;
string private tradeID;
string private tradeData;
string private lastSettlementData;
mapping(address => MarginRequirement) private marginRequirements; // Storage of M and P per counterparty address
mapping(uint256 => address) private pendingRequests; // Stores open request hashes for several requests: initiation, update and termination
mapping(address => int256) private sdcBalances; // internal book-keeping: needed to track what part of the gross token balance is held for each party
bool private mutuallyTerminated = false;
address counterparty1,
address counterparty2,
address receivingParty,
address tokenAddress,
uint256 initialMarginRequirement,
uint256 initalTerminationFee
) {
party1 = counterparty1;
party2 = counterparty2;
receivingPartyAddress = receivingParty;
liquidityToken = IERC20(tokenAddress);
tradeState = TradeState.Inactive;
processState = ProcessState.Idle;
marginRequirements[party1] = MarginRequirement(int256(initialMarginRequirement), int256(initalTerminationFee));
marginRequirements[party2] = MarginRequirement(int256(initialMarginRequirement), int256(initalTerminationFee));
sdcBalances[party1] = 0;
sdcBalances[party2] = 0;
* generates a hash from tradeData and generates a map entry in openRequests
* emits a TradeIncepted
* can be called only when TradeState = Incepted
function inceptTrade(string memory _tradeData, string memory _initialSettlementData) external override onlyCounterparty onlyWhenTradeInactive
processState = ProcessState.Initiation;
tradeState = TradeState.Incepted; // Set TradeState to Incepted
uint256 hash = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(_tradeData, _initialSettlementData)));
pendingRequests[hash] = msg.sender;
tradeID = Strings.toString(hash);
tradeData = _tradeData; // Set trade data to enable querying already in inception state
lastSettlementData = _initialSettlementData; // Store settlement data to make them available for confirming party
emit TradeIncepted(msg.sender, tradeID, _tradeData);
* generates a hash from tradeData and checks whether an open request can be found by the opposite party
* if so, data are stored and open request is deleted
* emits a TradeConfirmed
* can be called only when TradeState = Incepted
function confirmTrade(string memory _tradeData, string memory _initialSettlementData) external override onlyCounterparty onlyWhenTradeIncepted
address pendingRequestParty = msg.sender == party1 ? party2 : party1;
uint256 tradeIDConf = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(_tradeData, _initialSettlementData)));
require(pendingRequests[tradeIDConf] == pendingRequestParty, "Confirmation fails due to inconsistent trade data or wrong party address");
delete pendingRequests[tradeIDConf]; // Delete Pending Request
tradeState = TradeState.Confirmed;
emit TradeConfirmed(msg.sender, tradeID);
// Pre-Conditions
if(_lockTerminationFees()) {
tradeState = TradeState.Active;
emit TradeActivated(tradeID);
processState = ProcessState.AwaitingFunding;
emit ProcessAwaitingFunding();
* Check sufficient balances and lock Termination Fees otherwise trade does not get activated
function _lockTerminationFees() internal returns(bool) {
bool isAvailableParty1 = (liquidityToken.balanceOf(party1) >= uint(marginRequirements[party1].terminationFee)) && (liquidityToken.allowance(party1,address(this)) >= uint(marginRequirements[party1].terminationFee));
bool isAvailableParty2 = (liquidityToken.balanceOf(party2) >= uint(marginRequirements[party2].terminationFee)) && (liquidityToken.allowance(party2,address(this)) >= uint(marginRequirements[party2].terminationFee));
if (isAvailableParty1 && isAvailableParty2){
liquidityToken.transferFrom(party1, address(this), uint(marginRequirements[party1].terminationFee)); // transfer termination fee party1 to sdc
liquidityToken.transferFrom(party2, address(this), uint(marginRequirements[party2].terminationFee)); // transfer termination fee party2 to sdc
adjustSDCBalances(marginRequirements[party1].terminationFee, marginRequirements[party2].terminationFee); // Update internal balances
return true;
tradeState == TradeState.Inactive;
processState = ProcessState.Idle;
emit TradeTerminated("Termination Fee could not be locked.");
return false;
* Failsafe: Free up accounts upon termination
function _processTermination() internal {
liquidityToken.transfer(party1, uint256(sdcBalances[party1]));
liquidityToken.transfer(party2, uint256(sdcBalances[party2]));
processState = ProcessState.Idle;
tradeState = TradeState.Inactive;
* Settlement Cycle
* Send an Lock Request Event only when Process State = Funding
* Puts Process state to Margin Account Check
* can be called only when ProcessState = AwaitingFunding
function initiatePrefunding() external override onlyWhenProcessAwaitingFunding {
processState = ProcessState.Funding;
uint256 balanceParty1 = liquidityToken.balanceOf(party1);
uint256 balanceParty2 = liquidityToken.balanceOf(party2);
/* Calculate gap amount for each party, i.e. residual between buffer and termination fee and actual balance */
// max(M+P - sdcBalance,0)
uint gapAmountParty1 = marginRequirements[party1].buffer + marginRequirements[party1].terminationFee - sdcBalances[party1] > 0 ? uint(marginRequirements[party1].buffer + marginRequirements[party1].terminationFee - sdcBalances[party1]) : 0;
uint gapAmountParty2 = marginRequirements[party2].buffer + marginRequirements[party2].terminationFee - sdcBalances[party2] > 0 ? uint(marginRequirements[party2].buffer + marginRequirements[party2].terminationFee - sdcBalances[party2]) : 0;
/* Good case: Balances are sufficient and token has enough approval */
if ( (balanceParty1 >= gapAmountParty1 && liquidityToken.allowance(party1,address(this)) >= gapAmountParty1) &&
(balanceParty2 >= gapAmountParty2 && liquidityToken.allowance(party2,address(this)) >= gapAmountParty2) ) {
liquidityToken.transferFrom(party1, address(this), gapAmountParty1); // Transfer of GapAmount to sdc contract
liquidityToken.transferFrom(party2, address(this), gapAmountParty2); // Transfer of GapAmount to sdc contract
processState = ProcessState.Funded;
adjustSDCBalances(int(gapAmountParty1),int(gapAmountParty2)); // Update internal balances
emit ProcessFunded();
/* Party 1 - Bad case: Balances are insufficient or token has not enough approval */
else if ( (balanceParty1 < gapAmountParty1 || liquidityToken.allowance(party1,address(this)) < gapAmountParty1) &&
(balanceParty2 >= gapAmountParty2 && liquidityToken.allowance(party2,address(this)) >= gapAmountParty2) ) {
tradeState = TradeState.Terminated;
processState = ProcessState.InTermination;
adjustSDCBalances(-marginRequirements[party1].terminationFee,marginRequirements[party1].terminationFee); // Update internal balances
_processTermination(); // Release all buffers
emit TradeTerminated("Termination caused by party1 due to insufficient prefunding");
/* Party 2 - Bad case: Balances are insufficient or token has not enough approval */
else if ( (balanceParty1 >= gapAmountParty1 && liquidityToken.allowance(party1,address(this)) >= gapAmountParty1) &&
(balanceParty2 < gapAmountParty2 || liquidityToken.allowance(party2,address(this)) < gapAmountParty2) ) {
tradeState = TradeState.Terminated;
processState = ProcessState.InTermination;
adjustSDCBalances(marginRequirements[party2].terminationFee,-marginRequirements[party2].terminationFee); // Update internal balances
_processTermination(); // Release all buffers
emit TradeTerminated("Termination caused by party2 due to insufficient prefunding");
/* Both parties fail: Cross Transfer of Termination Fee */
else {
tradeState = TradeState.Terminated;
processState = ProcessState.InTermination;
// if ( (balanceParty1 < gapAmountParty1 || liquidityToken.allowance(party1,address(this)) < gapAmountParty1) && (balanceParty2 < gapAmountParty2 || liquidityToken.allowance(party2,address(this)) < gapAmountParty2) ) { tradeState = TradeState.Terminated;
adjustSDCBalances(marginRequirements[party2].terminationFee-marginRequirements[party1].terminationFee,marginRequirements[party1].terminationFee-marginRequirements[party2].terminationFee); // Update internal balances: Cross Booking of termination fee
_processTermination(); // Release all buffers
emit TradeTerminated("Termination caused by both parties due to insufficient prefunding");
* Settlement can be initiated when margin accounts are locked, a valuation request event is emitted containing tradeData and valuationViewParty
* Changes Process State to Valuation&Settlement
* can be called only when ProcessState = Funded and TradeState = Active
function initiateSettlement() external override onlyCounterparty onlyWhenProcessFundedAndTradeActive
processState = ProcessState.ValuationAndSettlement;
emit ProcessSettlementRequest(tradeData, lastSettlementData);
* Performs a settelement only when processState is ValuationAndSettlement
* Puts process state to "inTransfer"
* Checks Settlement amount according to valuationViewParty: If SettlementAmount is > 0, valuationViewParty receives
* can be called only when ProcessState = ValuationAndSettlement
function performSettlement(int256 settlementAmount, string memory settlementData) onlyWhenProcessValuationAndSettlement external override
lastSettlementData = settlementData;
address receivingParty = settlementAmount > 0 ? receivingPartyAddress : other(receivingPartyAddress);
address payingParty = other(receivingParty);
bool noTermination = abs(settlementAmount) <= marginRequirements[payingParty].buffer;
int256 transferAmount = (noTermination == true) ? abs(settlementAmount) : marginRequirements[payingParty].buffer + marginRequirements[payingParty].terminationFee; // Override with Buffer and Termination Fee: Max Transfer
if(receivingParty == party1) // Adjust internal Balances, only debit is booked on sdc balance as receiving party obtains transfer amount directly from sdc
adjustSDCBalances(0, -transferAmount);
adjustSDCBalances(-transferAmount, 0);
liquidityToken.transfer(receivingParty, uint256(transferAmount)); // SDC contract performs transfer to receiving party
if (noTermination) { // Regular Settlement
emit ProcessSettled();
processState = ProcessState.AwaitingFunding; // Set ProcessState to 'AwaitingFunding'
} else { // Termination Event, buffer not sufficient, transfer margin buffer and termination fee and process termination
tradeState = TradeState.Terminated;
processState = ProcessState.InTermination;
_processTermination(); // Transfer all locked amounts
emit TradeTerminated("Termination due to margin buffer exceedance");
if (mutuallyTerminated) { // Both counterparties agreed on a premature termination
processState = ProcessState.InTermination;
* End of Cycle
* Can be called by a party for mutual termination
* Hash is generated an entry is put into pendingRequests
* TerminationRequest is emitted
* can be called only when ProcessState = Funded and TradeState = Active
function requestTradeTermination(string memory _tradeID) external override onlyCounterparty onlyWhenProcessFundedAndTradeActive
require(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(tradeID)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_tradeID)), "Trade ID mismatch");
uint256 hash = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(_tradeID, "terminate")));
pendingRequests[hash] = msg.sender;
emit TradeTerminationRequest(msg.sender, _tradeID);
* Same pattern as for initiation
* confirming party generates same hash, looks into pendingRequests, if entry is found with correct address, tradeState is put to terminated
* can be called only when ProcessState = Funded and TradeState = Active
function confirmTradeTermination(string memory tradeId) external override onlyCounterparty onlyWhenProcessFundedAndTradeActive
address pendingRequestParty = msg.sender == party1 ? party2 : party1;
uint256 hashConfirm = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(tradeId, "terminate")));
require(pendingRequests[hashConfirm] == pendingRequestParty, "Confirmation of termination failed due to wrong party or missing request");
delete pendingRequests[hashConfirm];
mutuallyTerminated = true;
emit TradeTerminationConfirmed(msg.sender, tradeID);
function adjustSDCBalances(int256 adjustmentAmountParty1, int256 adjustmentAmountParty2) internal {
if (adjustmentAmountParty1 < 0)
require(sdcBalances[party1] >= adjustmentAmountParty1, "SDC Balance Adjustment fails for Party1");
if (adjustmentAmountParty2 < 0)
require(sdcBalances[party2] >= adjustmentAmountParty2, "SDC Balance Adjustment fails for Party2");
sdcBalances[party1] = sdcBalances[party1] + adjustmentAmountParty1;
sdcBalances[party2] = sdcBalances[party2] + adjustmentAmountParty2;
* Utilities
* Absolute value of an integer
function abs(int x) private pure returns (int) {
return x >= 0 ? x : -x;
* Other party
function other(address party) private view returns (address) {
return (party == party1 ? party2 : party1);
function getTokenAddress() public view returns(address) {
return address(liquidityToken);
function getTradeID() public view returns (string memory) {
return tradeID;
function getTradeData() public view returns (string memory) {
return tradeData;
function getTradeState() public view returns (TradeState) {
return tradeState;
function getProcessState() public view returns (ProcessState) {
return processState;
function getOwnSdcBalance() public view returns (int256) {
return sdcBalances[msg.sender];