The Proposal is an extension from the DCF DAO Phase0 time measurements proposal to be implemented at the DCF DAO Phase1. There where DCF Agile mandatory meetings, but also some community request meetings and emergency or extra meetings online or even AFK at the foundation office. This proposal intends to Standarize the way meetings can be measured, whichones are mandatory and make them as more agile as possible.
For the members which are asociated to the foundation, gets incentives by the foundation/projects and/or donates work, requires a constant comunication and organization, this members are responsable to attend **at least 75% and being active participant** of the mandatory meetings which are the following:
>Sprint tasks must be considered either as finished or functional. They should not be considered if they are partially done or something that is not proven to be functional.
The 15 min calls on 19:00 Mexico City time are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Topics: Communication, Syncronization and Support between the team on the workflow and tasks
The 25% of the whole payment is for attending to this meetings which is the biggest responsibility for our workflow and communication. So anyone involved into the workflow should be at least at 75% of the measured calls time (t).
1.4. Proposed by Bleecker. If the mandatory call extends there should be an incentive based on the incentives model section. The extension can only be at maximum 50% extra from the original schueduled time, other way there should be a rescheduled call.
2.2. Community Calls that can ensure income to the foundation either economical or by community work donation should be considered for an incentive to the Participants
2.3. Proposed by Bleecker. All comunity calls should have a total time scheduled, with no extra time added, the moderator and time set for the participants that will get incentives can be marked as active for the time they perform the community call.
**Justification**: Team Call incentives, meetings and others, should be consider more as simbolic since we are working on an already incentiviced tasks:
Proposed model by p1r0 where the Moderator ask random time random participation cuestion to random asistend to consider elegible to participative incentive.