# Configurations title: DCF DOCS longtitle: Decentralized Climate Foundation Docs author: Decentralized Climate Foundation email: contact@decentralizedclimate.org description: > The Decentralized Climate Foundation Research and Documentation. version: 1.0 gitbook_version: 3.2.3 url: 'https://docs.decentralizedclimate.org' baseurl: '' rss: RSS # bootstrap: use the remote theme for the site itself remote_theme: sighingnow/jekyll-gitbook toc: enabled: true h_min: 1 h_max: 3 # customize the link favicon in header, will be {{site.baseurl}}/{{site.favicon_path}} favicon_path: /assets/gitbook/images/favicon.ico # markdown render engine. markdown: kramdown kramdown: auto_ids: true input: GFM math_engine: mathjax smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo toc_levels: 1..6 syntax_highlighter: rouge syntax_highlighter_opts: guess_lang: true syntax_highlighter_style: colorful markdown_ext: markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md # Permalinks permalink: /:categories/:year-:month-:day-:title:output_ext collections: pages: output: true permalink: /:collection/:path/ include: - _socialserv page_width: 800px destination: ./_site incremental: false regenerate: true plugins: - jekyll-feed - jekyll-readme-index - jemoji