Fixing permalink issue con social services

This commit is contained in:
David E. Perez Negron R 2023-03-27 13:49:16 -06:00
parent cca35bbd65
commit 306d49e0ed
2 changed files with 3 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -41,15 +41,14 @@ syntax_highlighter_style: colorful
markdown_ext: markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md
# Permalinks
# permalink: /:categories/:year-:month-:day-:title:output_ext
permalink: pretty
relative_permalinks: false
permalink: /:categories/:year-:month-:day-:title:output_ext
output: true
permalink: /:collection/:path/
- _socialserv

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ author: David E. Perez Negron R.
date: 2023-03-27
category: SocialServices
layout: post
permalink: /social-services
## WorkFlow Documents