  • Joined on 2023-04-19
PaganoBarserker pushed to develop at PaganoBarserker/DCIPs 2023-06-19 18:00:24 +00:00
c7537fb037 Test commit
PaganoBarserker commented on pull request DecentralizedClim.../docs#30 2023-06-16 18:31:57 +00:00
Added a short course on how to contribute to DCF. Issue #29 resolved.

Greater description was added to the initial points.

PaganoBarserker pushed to develop at PaganoBarserker/docs 2023-06-16 18:29:59 +00:00
b8e2076f2f Greater description was added to the initial points.
PaganoBarserker pushed to develop at PaganoBarserker/docs 2023-06-16 01:23:15 +00:00
87f8a38096 Some points were detailed
PaganoBarserker created pull request DecentralizedClim.../docs#30 2023-06-15 22:05:02 +00:00
Added a short course on how to contribute to DCF. Issue #29 resolved.
PaganoBarserker pushed to develop at PaganoBarserker/docs 2023-06-15 22:01:14 +00:00
8fc41354ec Added a short course on how to contribute to DCF.
PaganoBarserker pushed to develop at PaganoBarserker/docs 2023-06-15 21:56:06 +00:00
6b7e25f74f Added a short course on how to contribute to DCF.
1fb02484aa Added a short course on how to contribute to DCF.
Compare 2 commits »
PaganoBarserker created pull request DecentralizedClim.../DCIPs#3 2023-06-12 17:44:20 +00:00
MathJax has been configured and added.
PaganoBarserker pushed to develop at PaganoBarserker/DCIPs 2023-06-12 17:29:54 +00:00
74050cdebf MathJax has been configured in Jekyll-gitbook.
PaganoBarserker pushed to develop at PaganoBarserker/DCIPs 2023-06-08 19:46:35 +00:00
7fcf4ebcee Index was modified
Compare 2 commits »
PaganoBarserker created repository PaganoBarserker/DCIPs 2023-06-08 18:52:33 +00:00
PaganoBarserker commented on pull request DecentralizedClim.../docs#28 2023-06-08 16:17:43 +00:00
The issues #1 and #2 have been resolved.

The unordered enumeration in the document "Taller de Git" has been fixed, and "ES" or "EN" has been added to the file names accordingly.

PaganoBarserker pushed to develop at PaganoBarserker/docs 2023-06-08 16:14:38 +00:00
c8a8253316 The unordered enumeration in the document Taller de Git has been fixed, and ES or EN has been added to the file names accordingly.
PaganoBarserker created pull request DecentralizedClim.../docs#28 2023-06-08 15:22:12 +00:00
The issues #1 and #2 have been resolved.
PaganoBarserker opened issue DecentralizedClim.../DCIPs#2 2023-06-07 21:32:30 +00:00
PaganoBarserker closed issue DecentralizedClim.../docs#19 2023-06-07 21:31:04 +00:00
PaganoBarserker commented on issue DecentralizedClim.../DCIPs#1 2023-06-07 21:29:46 +00:00
The header breaks and the permalinks also break when decentralizing with IPFS.

extra Data in regards the permalinks: The permalinks related is to locate the posts DCIPs which will not work once it gets deployed into fleek

PaganoBarserker opened issue DecentralizedClim.../DCIPs#1 2023-06-07 21:29:24 +00:00
The header breaks and the permalinks also break when decentralizing with IPFS.
PaganoBarserker opened issue DecentralizedClim.../docs#27 2023-06-07 21:27:28 +00:00
DCF Directory. Fix Issues on Governance - DAO Development
PaganoBarserker opened issue DecentralizedClim.../docs#26 2023-06-07 21:25:31 +00:00
Optimize Images and remove duplicates