+++ title = "How to Contribute" description = "Contribute to AdiDoks, improve documentation, or submit to showcase." date = 2021-05-01T18:10:00+00:00 updated = 2021-05-01T18:10:00+00:00 draft = false weight = 410 sort_by = "weight" template = "docs/page.html" [extra] lead = "Contribute to AdiDoks, improve documentation, or submit to showcase." toc = true top = false +++ 👉 Make sure to read the [Code of Conduct](../code-of-conduct/). ## Contribute to Doks 👉 The AdiDoks code lives in the [`adidoks` repository](https://github.com/aaranxu/adidoks) - Follow the [GitHub flow](https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/). - Follow the [Conventional Commits Specification](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) ### Create an issue - [Bug report](https://github.com/aaranxu/adidoks/issues/new?template=bug-report---.md) - [Feature request](https://github.com/aaranxu/adidoks/issues/new?template=feature-request---.md) ## Improve documentation 👉 The documentation lives in [`./content/docs/`](https://github.com/aaranxu/adidoks/tree/master/content/docs) of the [`adidoks` repository](https://github.com/h-enk/getdoks.org). - Follow the [GitHub flow](https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/). - Follow the [Conventional Commits Specification](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/)