import { expect } from "chai"; import { ethers } from "hardhat"; import hre from "hardhat"; describe("Test 1155 User Role", function () { let alice, bob, carl; let contract; let expiry; async function checkRecord(rid,tokenId,amount,owner,user,expiry_) { let record = await contract.userRecordOf(rid); expect(record[0]).equals(tokenId,"tokenId"); expect(record[1]).equals(owner,"owner"); expect(record[2]).equals(amount,"amount"); expect(record[3]).equals(user,"user"); expect(record[4]).equals(expiry_,"expiry_"); } beforeEach(async function () { [alice, bob, carl] = await ethers.getSigners(); const ERC5006Demo = await ethers.getContractFactory("ERC5006Demo"); contract = await ERC5006Demo.deploy("", 3); expiry = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + 3600; }); describe("", function () { it("InterfaceId should equals 0xc26d96cc", async function () { expect(await contract.getInterfaceId()).equals("0xc26d96cc"); }); it("Should set user to bob success", async function () { await, 1, 100); await contract.createUserRecord(alice.address, bob.address, 1, 10, expiry); await checkRecord(1,1,10,alice.address,bob.address,expiry); expect(await contract.usableBalanceOf(bob.address, 1)).equals(10); expect(await contract.balanceOf(alice.address, 1)).equals(90); expect(await contract.frozenBalanceOf(alice.address, 1)).equals(10); }); it("Should set user to bob fail", async function () { await, 1, 100); await contract.createUserRecord(alice.address, bob.address, 1, 10, expiry); await contract.createUserRecord(alice.address, bob.address, 1, 10, expiry); await contract.createUserRecord(alice.address, bob.address, 1, 10, expiry); await expect(contract.createUserRecord(alice.address, bob.address, 1, 10, expiry))"user cannot have more records"); }); it("Should set user to bob fail : balance is not enough", async function () { await, 1, 100); await expect(contract.createUserRecord(alice.address, bob.address, 1, 101, expiry))'ERC1155: insufficient balance for transfer'); }); it("Should set user to bob fail : only owner or approved", async function () { await, 1, 100); await, 1, 100); await expect(contract.createUserRecord(carl.address, bob.address, 1, 110, expiry))'only owner or approved'); }); it("Should deleteUserRecord success", async function () { await, 1, 100); await contract.createUserRecord(alice.address, bob.address, 1, 10, expiry); // await"hardhat_mine", ["0x5a0", "0x3c"]); await contract.deleteUserRecord(1); await checkRecord(1,0,0,"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000","0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",0); expect(await contract.usableBalanceOf(bob.address, 1)).equals(0); expect(await contract.balanceOf(alice.address, 1)).equals(100); expect(await contract.frozenBalanceOf(alice.address, 1)).equals(0); }); it("bob should deleteUserRecord fail", async function () { await, 1, 100); await contract.createUserRecord(alice.address, bob.address, 1, 10, expiry); await expect(contract.connect(bob).deleteUserRecord(1))"only owner or approved"); }); }); });