const { assert } = require("chai"); const ERC4907Demo = artifacts.require("ERC4907Demo"); contract("test", async (accounts) => { it("should set user to Bob", async () => { // Get initial balances of first and second account. const Alice = accounts[0]; const Bob = accounts[1]; const instance = await ERC4907Demo.deployed("T", "T"); const demo = instance; await, Alice); let expires = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + 1000; await demo.setUser(1, Bob, BigInt(expires)); let user_1 = await demo.userOf(1); assert.equal(user_1, Bob, "User of NFT 1 should be Bob"); let owner_1 = await demo.ownerOf(1); assert.equal(owner_1, Alice, "Owner of NFT 1 should be Alice"); }); });