import { expect } from "chai"; import hre, { deployments, ethers, waffle } from "hardhat"; import { BigNumber } from "ethers"; import { AddressZero } from "@ethersproject/constants"; import { parseEther } from "@ethersproject/units"; import { setMFNFTwithNFT, deployFTContract, getMFContract, getNFTContract, mintNFT } from "./utils/setup"; import { transferFrom ,balanceOf, transfer, safeTransferFrom, addToken, approve, increaseAllowance, decreaseAllowance } from "./utils/execution"; describe("Multi-Fractional Non-Fungible Token", async () => { const [admin, user1, user2, user3] = waffle.provider.getWallets(); // Scalar variable that gets incremented when token is added to MFNFT const scalar_tokenId = 1; // token ID of the NFT const tokenId = 1; // total supply of FT derived from NFT const totalSupply = 1000; const setupTests = deployments.createFixture(async ({deployments}) => { await deployments.fixture(); return { MFNFT: await getMFContract(), NFT: await getNFTContract(), } }); describe("NFT Ownership", async () => { it("should revert if NFT ownership is not given before token addition", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await NFT.safeMint(user1.address, tokenId); await expect( addToken(MFNFT, NFT.address, tokenId, totalSupply) )"Verifier::verifyOwnership: NFT ownership verification failed") }); it("should accept NFT after taking the ownership", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await mintNFT(NFT, MFNFT.address, tokenId); await addToken(MFNFT, NFT.address, tokenId, totalSupply) }); it("should emit event for token addition", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await mintNFT(NFT, MFNFT.address, tokenId); await expect( addToken(MFNFT, NFT.address, tokenId, totalSupply) ).to.emit(MFNFT, "TokenAddition").withArgs(NFT.address, tokenId, 1, totalSupply) }); it("should revert if given parentNFTContractAddress is zero", async () => { const { MFNFT } = await setupTests() await expect( addToken(MFNFT, AddressZero, tokenId, totalSupply) )"MFNFT::setParentNFT: Parent NFT Contract should not be zero") }); it("should revert if given parentNFTContractAddress doesn't support ERC-721", async() => { const { MFNFT } = await setupTests(); const FT = await deployFTContract(totalSupply); await expect ( addToken(MFNFT, FT.address, tokenId, totalSupply) ) }); it("should revert if setParentNFT() is called twice for the same NFT", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply); await expect( addToken(MFNFT, NFT.address, tokenId, totalSupply) )"MFNFT::setParentNFT: Already owned(fractionalized) by this contract") }); it("should return true if NFT is owned & registered by MNFTContract -> isRegistered()", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply); expect(await MFNFT.isRegistered(NFT.address, tokenId)) }); it("should check if parentTokenContractAddress is set right", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) expect(await MFNFT.parentToken(scalar_tokenId)) }); it("should check if parentTokenId is set right", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) expect(await MFNFT.parentTokenId(scalar_tokenId)) }); it("should check if totalSupply complys with designated value", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) expect(await MFNFT.totalSupply(scalar_tokenId)) }); it("should check if _id is a scalar value that increases when token is added", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) const _id = await MFNFT.getTokenId(NFT.address, tokenId); await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId+1, totalSupply) expect(await MFNFT.getTokenId(NFT.address, tokenId+1)); }); }); describe("Admin", async () => { it("should check if admin can add new token", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await mintNFT(NFT, MFNFT.address, tokenId) await addToken(MFNFT, NFT.address, tokenId, totalSupply, {from: admin}); }); it("should revert if non-admin tries to add token", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await mintNFT(NFT, MFNFT.address, tokenId) await expect( addToken(MFNFT, NFT.address, tokenId, totalSupply, {from: user1}) ) }); }); describe("onERC721Received", async () => { it("should be able to accept ERC-721 token with safeTransferFrom()", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() await mintNFT(NFT, admin.address, tokenId) expect( await safeTransferFrom(NFT, admin.address, MFNFT.address, tokenId) ).to.emit(NFT, "Transfer").withArgs(admin.address, MFNFT.address, tokenId) expect(await NFT.ownerOf(tokenId)) }); it("should return expected value for onERC721Received()", async () => { const { MFNFT } = await setupTests() expect(await MFNFT.onERC721Received(admin.address, user1.address, tokenId, 0x0))"0x150b7a02") }); it("should return true if supportsInterface() receives supporting interface ID", async () => { const { MFNFT } = await setupTests() expect(await MFNFT.supportsInterface(0x01ffc9a7)) }) }); describe("Transfer & Allowance", async () => { const approvedValue = 100; it("should transfer exact amount of share to recipient", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() const transferAmount = 100; await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) await expect( transfer(MFNFT, user1.address, scalar_tokenId, transferAmount) ).to.emit(MFNFT, "Transfer").withArgs(admin.address, user1.address, scalar_tokenId, transferAmount) expect(await balanceOf(MFNFT, user1.address, scalar_tokenId)) }); it("should not be able to transfer more than balance", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() const transferAmount = 100; await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) await expect( transfer(MFNFT, user1.address, scalar_tokenId, transferAmount + totalSupply) ) }); it("should revert when trying to transfer to address zero", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() const transferAmount = 100; await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) await expect( transfer(MFNFT, AddressZero, scalar_tokenId, transferAmount) ) }); it("should check if approved user can spend on behalf", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() const spender = user1; await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) await expect( approve(MFNFT, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) ).to.emit(MFNFT, "Approval").withArgs(admin.address, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) await expect( transferFrom(MFNFT, admin.address, user2.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue, {from: spender}) ).to.emit(MFNFT, "Transfer").withArgs(admin.address, user2.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) }); it("should revert if user tries to approve address zero", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() const spender = AddressZero; await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) await expect( approve(MFNFT, spender, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) ) }); it("should revert if user tries to use over approved amount", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() const spender = user1; await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) await expect( approve(MFNFT, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) ).to.emit(MFNFT, "Approval").withArgs(admin.address, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) await expect( transferFrom(MFNFT, admin.address, user2.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue+100, {from: spender}) ) }); it("should be able to increase allowance", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() const spender = user1; await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) await expect( approve(MFNFT, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) ).to.emit(MFNFT, "Approval").withArgs(admin.address, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) await expect( increaseAllowance(MFNFT, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) ).to.emit(MFNFT, "Approval").withArgs(admin.address, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue * 2) expect(await MFNFT.allowance(admin.address, spender.address, tokenId)) * 2) }); it("should revert if user tries to increase allowance for address zero", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() const spender = AddressZero; await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) await expect( increaseAllowance(MFNFT, AddressZero, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue * 2) ) expect(await MFNFT.allowance(admin.address, AddressZero, tokenId)) }) it("should be able to decrease allowance", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() const spender = user1; await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) await expect( approve(MFNFT, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) ).to.emit(MFNFT, "Approval").withArgs(admin.address, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) await expect( decreaseAllowance(MFNFT, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue / 2) ).to.emit(MFNFT, "Approval").withArgs(admin.address, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue / 2) expect(await MFNFT.allowance(admin.address, spender.address, tokenId)) / 2) }); it("should revert if user tries to decrease allowance more than approved", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() const spender = user1; await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) await expect( approve(MFNFT, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) ).to.emit(MFNFT, "Approval").withArgs(admin.address, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) await expect( decreaseAllowance(MFNFT, spender.address, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue * 2) ) expect(await MFNFT.allowance(admin.address, spender.address, tokenId)) }) it("should revert if user tries to decrease allowance for address zero", async () => { const { MFNFT, NFT } = await setupTests() const spender = AddressZero; await setMFNFTwithNFT(MFNFT, NFT, tokenId, totalSupply) await expect( decreaseAllowance(MFNFT, AddressZero, scalar_tokenId, approvedValue) ) expect(await MFNFT.allowance(admin.address, AddressZero, tokenId)) }) }); });