import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers"; import { SignerWithAddress } from "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { ethers } from "hardhat"; import { CatalogMock } from "../typechain-types"; async function catalogFixture(): Promise { const Catalog = await ethers.getContractFactory("CatalogMock"); const testCatalog = await Catalog.deploy("ipfs//:meta", "misc"); await testCatalog.deployed(); return testCatalog; } describe("CatalogMock", async () => { let testCatalog: CatalogMock; let addrs: SignerWithAddress[]; const metadataUriDefault = "src"; const noType = 0; const slotType = 1; const fixedType = 2; const sampleSlotPartData = { itemType: slotType, z: 0, equippable: [], metadataURI: metadataUriDefault, }; beforeEach(async () => { [, ...addrs] = await ethers.getSigners(); testCatalog = await loadFixture(catalogFixture); }); describe("Init Catalog", async function () { it("has right metadataURI", async function () { expect(await testCatalog.getMetadataURI()).to.equal("ipfs//:meta"); }); it("has right type", async function () { expect(await testCatalog.getType()).to.equal("misc"); }); it("supports interface", async function () { expect(await testCatalog.supportsInterface("0xd912401f")).to.equal(true); }); it("does not support other interfaces", async function () { expect(await testCatalog.supportsInterface("0xffffffff")).to.equal(false); }); }); describe("add catalog entries", async function () { it("can add fixed part", async function () { const partId = 1; const partData = { itemType: fixedType, z: 0, equippable: [], metadataURI: metadataUriDefault, }; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: partData }); expect(await testCatalog.getPart(partId)).to.eql([ 2, 0, [], metadataUriDefault, ]); }); it("can add slot part", async function () { const partId = 2; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }); expect(await testCatalog.getPart(partId)).to.eql([ 1, 0, [], metadataUriDefault, ]); }); it("can add parts list", async function () { const partId = 1; const partId2 = 2; const partData1 = { itemType: slotType, z: 0, equippable: [], metadataURI: "src1", }; const partData2 = { itemType: fixedType, z: 1, equippable: [], metadataURI: "src2", }; await testCatalog.addPartList([ { partId: partId, part: partData1 }, { partId: partId2, part: partData2 }, ]); expect(await testCatalog.getParts([partId, partId2])).to.eql([ [slotType, 0, [], "src1"], [fixedType, 1, [], "src2"], ]); }); it("cannot add part with id 0", async function () { const partId = 0; await expect( testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }) ), "IdZeroForbidden"); }); it("cannot add part with existing partId", async function () { const partId = 3; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }); await expect( testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }) ), "PartAlreadyExists"); }); it("cannot add part with item type None", async function () { const partId = 1; const badPartData = { itemType: noType, z: 0, equippable: [], metadataURI: metadataUriDefault, }; await expect( testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: badPartData }) ), "BadConfig"); }); it("cannot add fixed part with equippable addresses", async function () { const partId = 1; const badPartData = { itemType: fixedType, z: 0, equippable: [addrs[3].address], metadataURI: metadataUriDefault, }; await expect( testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: badPartData }) ), "BadConfig"); }); it("is not equippable if address was not added", async function () { const partId = 4; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }); expect( await testCatalog.checkIsEquippable(partId, addrs[1].address) ).to.eql(false); }); it("is equippable if added in the part definition", async function () { const partId = 1; const partData = { itemType: slotType, z: 0, equippable: [addrs[1].address, addrs[2].address], metadataURI: metadataUriDefault, }; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: partData }); expect( await testCatalog.checkIsEquippable(partId, addrs[2].address) ).to.eql(true); }); it("is equippable if added afterward", async function () { const partId = 1; await expect( testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }) ) .to.emit(testCatalog, "AddedPart") .withArgs( partId, sampleSlotPartData.itemType, sampleSlotPartData.z, sampleSlotPartData.equippable, sampleSlotPartData.metadataURI ); await expect( testCatalog.addEquippableAddresses(partId, [addrs[1].address]) ) .to.emit(testCatalog, "AddedEquippables") .withArgs(partId, [addrs[1].address]); expect( await testCatalog.checkIsEquippable(partId, addrs[1].address) ).to.eql(true); }); it("is equippable if set afterward", async function () { const partId = 1; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }); await expect( testCatalog.setEquippableAddresses(partId, [addrs[1].address]) ) .to.emit(testCatalog, "SetEquippables") .withArgs(partId, [addrs[1].address]); expect( await testCatalog.checkIsEquippable(partId, addrs[1].address) ).to.eql(true); }); it("is equippable if set to all", async function () { const partId = 1; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }); await expect(testCatalog.setEquippableToAll(partId)) .to.emit(testCatalog, "SetEquippableToAll") .withArgs(partId); expect(await testCatalog.checkIsEquippableToAll(partId)).to.eql(true); expect( await testCatalog.checkIsEquippable(partId, addrs[1].address) ).to.eql(true); }); it("cannot add nor set equippable addresses for non existing part", async function () { const partId = 1; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }); await expect( testCatalog.addEquippableAddresses(partId, []) ), "ZeroLengthIdsPassed"); await expect( testCatalog.setEquippableAddresses(partId, []) ), "ZeroLengthIdsPassed"); }); it("cannot add nor set empty list of equippable addresses", async function () { const NonExistingPartId = 1; await expect( testCatalog.addEquippableAddresses(NonExistingPartId, [ addrs[1].address, ]) ), "PartDoesNotExist"); await expect( testCatalog.setEquippableAddresses(NonExistingPartId, [ addrs[1].address, ]) ), "PartDoesNotExist"); await expect( testCatalog.setEquippableToAll(NonExistingPartId) ), "PartDoesNotExist"); }); it("cannot add nor set equippable addresses to non slot part", async function () { const fixedPartId = 1; const partData = { itemType: fixedType, // This is what we're testing z: 0, equippable: [], metadataURI: metadataUriDefault, }; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: fixedPartId, part: partData }); await expect( testCatalog.addEquippableAddresses(fixedPartId, [addrs[1].address]) ), "PartIsNotSlot"); await expect( testCatalog.setEquippableAddresses(fixedPartId, [addrs[1].address]) ), "PartIsNotSlot"); await expect( testCatalog.setEquippableToAll(fixedPartId) ), "PartIsNotSlot"); }); it("cannot set equippable to all on non existing part", async function () { const nonExistingPartId = 1; await expect( testCatalog.setEquippableToAll(nonExistingPartId) ), "PartDoesNotExist"); }); it("resets equippable to all if addresses are set", async function () { const partId = 1; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }); await testCatalog.setEquippableToAll(partId); // This should reset it: testCatalog.setEquippableAddresses(partId, [addrs[1].address]); expect(await testCatalog.checkIsEquippableToAll(partId)).to.eql(false); }); it("resets equippable to all if addresses are added", async function () { const partId = 1; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }); await testCatalog.setEquippableToAll(partId); // This should reset it: await testCatalog.addEquippableAddresses(partId, [addrs[1].address]); expect(await testCatalog.checkIsEquippableToAll(partId)).to.eql(false); }); it("can reset equippable addresses", async function () { const partId = 1; await testCatalog.addPart({ partId: partId, part: sampleSlotPartData }); await testCatalog.addEquippableAddresses(partId, [ addrs[1].address, addrs[2].address, ]); await testCatalog.resetEquippableAddresses(partId); expect( await testCatalog.checkIsEquippable(partId, addrs[1].address) ).to.eql(false); }); }); });