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2022-10-21 21:23:16 +00:00
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A system which can be a functional low scale proof of concept, by tracing real green energy data and representing it as tokens plus a proof of work that ensures the security and online operation consistency in an embedded hardware attached to a solar panel, we intend to achieve the original Satoshi vision (decentralization, and avoid double counting) and thus tokenize measured data with a small range of error.
The goal the following document is a proposal for building a proof of concept system with both hardware and software in a small scale model, this work is not only limited to that but also making some proposals that consider 3rd generation blockchains developments such as the blockchain trilemma , DAOs for management of trust and verification of Green Energy datasets based on embedded open hardware technology, Liquidity Pools and Energy pools (Batteries) with real parity between the real energy and tokens representations of energy.
Following a fully free software as following the main philosophies of the Maxcoin Project (Max Current) and Decentralized Climate Foundation, and finally taking the DECA 2.0 protocol and Maxcoins Blockchain as base technologies and other second layer and multichain solutions, as base technologies that will ensure the security and scalability of the system.
left to right direction
skinparam packageStyle rect
skinparam actorStyle awesome
actor "MultiChain Miner" as MM
actor "Technical DAO" as TDAO
rectangle "DECA2 DAPP" as DAPP {
usecase "Gets MultiChain Miner Request" as DAPP1
usecase "Approves MultiChain Miner Request " as DAPP2
usecase "Set MultiChain Miner SBT attributes" as DAPP3
usecase "Gets mint request" as DAPP4
usecase "Approved Minting (Baliot)" as DAPP5
usecase "Gets Payment Request Order" as DAPP6
usecase "Gets Energy Measurement Data" as DAPP7
usecase "Verifies Payment Request Order" as DAPP8
usecase "Gets SBT" as DAPP9
usecase "Verify all data and vote" as DAPP10
usecase "Not Approved" as DAPP11
usecase "Votes module update" as DAPP12
usecase "Mints DECA" as DAPP13
usecase "Mints Energy Token" as DAPP14
usecase "Fills Energy Request" as DAPP15
rectangle DAO_Vaults{
usecase "Stores DECA2" as DV1
MM -right- DAPP1
TDAO -left- DAPP2
MM -right- DAPP3
MM -right- DAPP4
MM -right- DAPP15
DAPP2 .down.> DAPP1 : <<extend>>
DAPP2 .down.> DAPP3 : <<include>>
DAPP3 .down.> DAPP9 : <<include>>
TDAO -left- DAPP4
DAPP4 .down.> DAPP10: <<include>>
DAPP5 .down.> DAPP10: <<extend>>
DAPP11 .down.> DAPP10: <<extend>>
DAPP5 .down.> DAPP13: <<includes>>
DAPP5 .down.> DAPP14: <<includes>>
DAPP13 .down.> DV1: <<includes>>
MM -right- DAPP6
TDAO -left- DAPP8
rectangle "DECA2 DistributedDB" as DOD {
usecase "Stores Energy Measurements" as ODB1
usecase "Updates Measured Sent Energy" as ODB2
usecase "Stores Received Energy Data" as ODB3
usecase "Updates Measured Received Energy" as ODB4
usecase "Verifies Data Integrity Reltated to the Miner" as ODB5
usecase "Provides Access to the DECA2 DAPP" as ODB6
usecase ODB7 as "Stores SBT Miner Data:
Mining Pool Data
Miner Hardware Status"
usecase "Updates Mining Pool Data" as ODB8
usecase "Updates Miner HW Status" as ODB9
note right of ODB3: Verify Transmision Loss
MM -right- ODB1
MM -right- ODB2
MM -right- ODB4
TDAO -left- ODB5
DAPP7 .> ODB6: <<include>>
DAPP3 .> ODB7: <<include>>
ODB8 .down.> ODB7: <<extend>>
ODB9 .down.> ODB7: <<extend>>
DAPP9 .up.> ODB7: <<includes>>
TDAO -left- DAPP12
MM -right- DAPP12
TDAO -left- DAPP10
rectangle "Node Storage Energy" as NSE {
usecase "Accepts Energy Storage Request" as NSE1
usecase "Update Measured Received Energy" as NSE2
usecase "Accepts Energy Take Out Request" as NSE3
usecase "Transfers Energy to the Miner" as NSE4
MM -right- NSE1
MM -right- NSE4
NSE3 .> NSE4: <<includes>>
NSE2 .> ODB3 : <<include>>
NSE3 .> DAPP15: <<extend>>
rectangle "MaxCoin Green Mining Pool" as MMP {
usecase "Stores Online Miner Time + Hashes" as MMP1
usecase "Uploads Data" as MMP2
usecase "Logs in with SBT" as MMP3
MMP2 .> ODB7
MM -- MMP3
MMP3 .> MMP1: <<include>>
rectangle "Liquidity Pool" as LP{
usecase "Gets % per transaction" as LP1
usecase "Swaps Tokens" as LP2
usecase "Provides liquidity DECA2/Energy Tokens" as LP3
usecase "Gets Energy Tokens" as LP4
MM -right- LP1
MM -right- LP2
MM -right- LP4
DV1.> LP1 : <<include>>
DV1.> LP3 : <<include>>
DAPP14.> LP3 : <<include>>
note right of LP
Paired with DECA2
Paired with Carbon Token
end note
participant "Multichain Miner" as MM
participant "Technical DAO" as DAO
participant "MAXCoin Mining Pool" as MMP
participant "DECA2 DistributedDB" as DOD
participant "DECA2 DAPP" as DAPP
participant "Liquidity Pool" as LP
participant "Node Storage Energy" as NSE
MM->DAPP: Applies for getting a clean energy system (miner)
activate DAPP
DAO->DAPP: Verifies and Approves Applications
DAPP-->MM: Gets a SBT paired the clean energy system (miner)
deactivate DAPP
loop Operation Process
MM->MMP: Starts PoW the mining Process
MM->DOD: Stores Energy Measurements
alt if "Sells Excess of Energy"
MM->NSE: Start sending energy to the NSE
MM->DOD: Updates Measured Sent Energy
NSE->DOD: Stores Received Energy (-looses)
MM->DOD: Updates Measured Received Energy
MM->DAPP: Request Payment (Example Monthly)
activate DAPP
DAPP->DOD: Gets Measurments
DAO->DAPP: Verifies Payment Request Order
DAO->DOD: Verifies data integrity related to the Miner
DAO->MMP: Verifies Continues MaxCoin Mining data
DAO->MM: Verifies Miner Hardware Integrity
DAO->DAPP: DAO Votes If Complies
alt if "it gets approved"
DAPP->LP: Mints DECA(EnergyToken to LP)
DAPP->LP: Mints MaxCoin (Pay to LP)
DAPP->DAO: Mints DECA/Maxcoin Payment to DAO
deactivate DAPP
else if "it does not"
DAO-->DOD: Update Status
DAO-->MM: Request Updates
else if "Buys Energy"
LP-->MM: Gets Energy Tokens
MM->DAPP: Sets Fill Energy Request
NSE->DAPP: Accepts Requests
NSE-->MM: Sends Energy to the Miner
LP->LP: Generates % for\nthe Miner and the NSE
alt if Miner Requests EnergyToken
MM->LP: Request EnergyToken
LP->MM: Gets EnergyToken
else if Miner Requests Maxcoin
MM->LP: Request Maxcoin
LP->MM: Gets Maxcoin equivalent to EnergyToken owned
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