
70 lines
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// CC0 license.
// taken from (credits): https://soliditydeveloper.com/merkle-tree
const keccak256 = require("keccak256");
const { MerkleTree } = require("merkletreejs");
const Web3 = require("web3");
const web3 = new Web3();
* generates the proof offchain using the PII information of the user and associated it with the other parameter details.
async function generateProof() {
// consider the given information that is verified privately off-chain (storing with wallet, name, age, personal ID, jurisdiction)
// they will be considered as leaves for the application.
const personalIdentifiedInfo = ["0x00000a86986129038908a9808098-toto-18-99123456-France", "0x00000a86986129038908a9808098-john-20-1276546-England"].map(x => keccak256(x));
const tree = new MerkleTree(leaves,keccak256);
* this checks the ownership of the information from requirement (stored onchain) and then verify whether the keccak256 representation is a member of the given proof.
* we follow the checkProof
async function verifyRequirement(verifyingAddress,leafNodes) {
const buf2hex = x => '0x'+x.toString('hex')
const leaf = keccak256('0x00000a86986129038908a9808098-toto-18-99123456-France')
const leafInfo = buf2hex(leaf);
const hexproof = tree.getProof(leaf).map(x => buf2hex(x.data));
const positions = tree.getProof(leaf).map(x => x.position === 'right' ? 1 : 0)
//TODO: fetch the
const SBTCertification = await web3.eth.Contract();
const verifiedOnchain = await SBTCertification.ifVerified(verifyingAddress, leafNodes);
assert.equal(MerkleTree.verify(proof,leaf,root), verifiedOnchain);
const root = tree.getRoot();
// this is the root generated by claim verifier, by doing the operations offchain.
const hexroot = buf2hex(root);
const merkleTree = new MerkleTree(leafNodes, keccak256, { sortPairs: true });
console.log("Merke Tree");
console.log("Merkle Root: " + merkleTree.getHexRoot());
console.log("Proof 1: " + merkleTree.getHexProof(leafNodes[0]));
console.log("Proof 2: " + merkleTree.getHexProof(leafNodes[1]));