David E. Perez Negron R 58b766a923 Adding EIPs website fork with some Gem Updates 2023-04-05 10:02:54 -06:00
contracts Adding EIPs website fork with some Gem Updates 2023-04-05 10:02:54 -06:00
migrations Adding EIPs website fork with some Gem Updates 2023-04-05 10:02:54 -06:00
test Adding EIPs website fork with some Gem Updates 2023-04-05 10:02:54 -06:00
.gitignore Adding EIPs website fork with some Gem Updates 2023-04-05 10:02:54 -06:00
README.md Adding EIPs website fork with some Gem Updates 2023-04-05 10:02:54 -06:00
package.json Adding EIPs website fork with some Gem Updates 2023-04-05 10:02:54 -06:00


Example implementation of EIP-6358


  • truffle >= v5.7.9
  • node >= v18.12.1
  • npm >= 8.19.2
  • npx >= 8.19.2


npm install

Add the configuration file truffle-config.js into the directory ./. The file truffle-config.js can be generated by executing the command in an empty directory:

npx truffle init

Note that:

  • type N when asked Overwrite contracts?
  • type N when asked Overwrite migrations?
  • type N when asked Overwrite test?

After truffle-config.js is generated, then:

  • Uncommnet the content of development, like this:
development: {
     host: "",     // Localhost (default: none)
     port: 8545,            // Standard Ethereum port (default: none)
     network_id: "*",       // Any network (default: none)


touch .secret
npx truffle compile

Unit test

Launch local testnet

npx ganache -s 0


Open another terminate

npx truffle test