
70 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
pragma solidity ^0.7.1;
import "./BaseBidOnAddresses.sol";
/// @title Bidding on Ethereum addresses
/// @author Victor Porton
/// @notice Not audited, not enough tested.
/// This allows anyone to claim 1000 conditional tokens in order for him to transfer money from the future.
/// See `docs/future-money.rst` and anyone to donate.
/// We have two kinds of ERC-1155 token IDs:
/// - conditional tokens: numbers < 2**64
/// - a combination of a collateral contract address and collateral token ID
/// (a counter of donated amount of collateral tokens, don't confuse with collateral tokens themselves)
/// In functions of this contact `condition` is always a customer's original address.
/// We receive funds in ERC-1155, see also https://github.com/vporton/wrap-tokens
contract BidOnAddresses is BaseBidOnAddresses {
uint constant INITIAL_CUSTOMER_BALANCE = 1000 * 10**18; // an arbitrarily chosen value
/// Customer registered.
/// @param sender `msg.sender`.
/// @param customer The customer address.
/// @param data Additional data.
event CustomerRegistered(
address indexed sender,
address indexed customer,
uint256 indexed condition,
bytes data
/// @param _uri The ERC-1155 token URI.
constructor(string memory _uri) BaseBidOnAddresses(_uri) {
BidOnAddresses(0).onERC1155Received.selector ^
/// Anyone can register anyone.
/// This can be called both before or after the oracle finish. However registering after the finish is useless.
/// We check that `oracleId` exists (we don't want "spammers" to register themselves for a million oracles).
/// We allow anyone to register anyone. This is useful for being registered by robots.
/// At first it seems to be harmful to make somebody a millionaire unwillingly (he then needs a fortress and bodyguards),
/// but: Salary tokens will be worth real money, only if the registered person publishes his works together
/// with his Ethereum address. So, he can be made rich against his will only by impersonating him. But if somebody
/// impersonates him, then they are able to present him richer than he is anyway, so making him vulnerable to
/// kidnappers anyway. So having somebody registered against his will seems not to be a problem at all
/// (except that he will see superfluous worthless tokens in Etherscan data of his account.)
/// An alternative way would be to make registration gasless but requiring a registrant signature.
/// This is not very good, probably:
/// - It requires to install MetaMask.
/// - It bothers the person to sign something, when he could just be hesitant to get what he needs.
/// - It somehow complicates this contract.
/// @param _customer The address of the customer. // TODO: current or original
/// @param _oracleId The oracle ID.
/// @param _data Additional data.
function registerCustomer(address _customer, uint64 _oracleId, bytes calldata _data) external {
require(_oracleId <= maxOracleId, "Oracle doesn't exist.");
uint256 _condition = _createCondition(_customer);
_mintToCustomer(_customer, _condition, INITIAL_CUSTOMER_BALANCE, _data);
emit CustomerRegistered(msg.sender, _customer, _condition, _data);