
132 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
pragma solidity ^0.7.1;
import { SafeMath } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import { ABDKMath64x64 } from "abdk-libraries-solidity/ABDKMath64x64.sol";
import { BaseLock } from "./BaseLock.sol";
/// @title Bidding on Ethereum addresses
/// @author Victor Porton
/// @notice Not audited, not enough tested.
/// This allows anyone claim conditional tokens in order for him to transfer money from the future.
/// See `docs/future-money.rst`.
abstract contract BaseBidOnAddresses is BaseLock {
using ABDKMath64x64 for int128;
using SafeMath for uint256;
/// A condition score was stored in the chain by an oracle.
/// @param oracleId The oracle ID.
/// @param condition The conditional (customer addresses).
/// @param numerator The relative score provided by the oracle.
event ReportedNumerator(
uint64 indexed oracleId,
uint256 indexed condition,
uint256 numerator
/// Some condition scores were stored in the chain by an oracle.
/// @param oracleId The oracle ID.
/// @param conditions The conditionals (customer addresses).
/// @param numerators The relative scores provided by the oracle.
event ReportedNumeratorsBatch(
uint64 indexed oracleId,
uint64[] indexed conditions,
uint256[] numerators
// Whether an oracle finished its work.
mapping(uint64 => bool) private oracleFinishedMap;
// Mapping (oracleId => (condition => numerator)) for payout numerators.
mapping(uint64 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) private payoutNumeratorsMap;
// Mapping (oracleId => denominator) for payout denominators.
mapping(uint256 => uint) private payoutDenominatorMap;
/// Constructor.
/// @param _uri Our ERC-1155 tokens description URI.
constructor(string memory _uri) BaseLock(_uri) { }
/// Retrieve the last stored payout numerator (relative score of a condition).
/// @param _oracleId The oracle ID.
/// @param _condition The condition (the original receiver of a conditional token).
/// The result can't change if the oracle has finished.
function payoutNumerator(uint64 _oracleId, uint256 _condition) public view returns (uint256) {
return payoutNumeratorsMap[_oracleId][_condition];
/// Retrieve the last stored payout denominator (the sum of all numerators of the oracle).
/// @param _oracleId The oracle ID.
/// The result can't change if the oracle has finished.
function payoutDenominator(uint64 _oracleId) public view returns (uint256) {
return payoutDenominatorMap[_oracleId];
/// Called by the oracle owner for reporting results of conditions.
/// @param _oracleId The oracle ID.
/// @param _condition The condition.
/// @param _numerator The relative score of the condition.
/// Note: We could make oracles easily verificable by a hash of all the data, but
/// - It may need allowing to set a numerator only once.
/// - It may be not necessary because future technology will allow to aggregate blockchains.
function reportNumerator(uint64 _oracleId, uint256 _condition, uint256 _numerator) external
_oracleNotFinished(_oracleId) // otherwise an oracle can break data consistency
_updateNumerator(_oracleId, _numerator, _condition);
emit ReportedNumerator(_oracleId, _condition, _numerator);
/// Called by the oracle owner for reporting results of several conditions.
/// @param _oracleId The oracle ID.
/// @param _conditions The conditions.
/// @param _numerators The relative scores of the condition.
function reportNumeratorsBatch(uint64 _oracleId, uint64[] calldata _conditions, uint256[] calldata _numerators) external
_oracleNotFinished(_oracleId) // otherwise an oracle can break data consistency
require(_conditions.length == _numerators.length, "Length mismatch.");
for (uint _i = 0; _i < _conditions.length; ++_i) {
_updateNumerator(_oracleId, _numerators[_i], _conditions[_i]);
emit ReportedNumeratorsBatch(_oracleId, _conditions, _numerators);
/// Need to be called after all numerators were reported.
/// @param _oracleId The oracle ID.
/// You should set grace period end time before calling this method.
/// TODO: Maybe it makes sense to allow to set finish time in a point of the future?
function finishOracle(uint64 _oracleId) external
oracleFinishedMap[_oracleId] = true;
emit OracleFinished(_oracleId);
/// Check if an oracle has finished.
/// @param _oracleId The oracle ID.
/// @return `true` if it has finished.
function isOracleFinished(uint64 _oracleId) public view override returns (bool) {
return oracleFinishedMap[_oracleId];
function _updateNumerator(uint64 _oracleId, uint256 _numerator, uint256 _condition) private {
payoutDenominatorMap[_oracleId] = payoutDenominatorMap[_oracleId].add(_numerator).sub(payoutNumeratorsMap[_oracleId][_condition]);
payoutNumeratorsMap[_oracleId][_condition] = _numerator;
// Virtuals //
function _calcRewardShare(uint64 _oracleId, uint256 _condition) internal virtual override view returns (int128) {
uint256 _numerator = payoutNumeratorsMap[_oracleId][_condition];
uint256 _denominator = payoutDenominatorMap[_oracleId];
return ABDKMath64x64.divu(_numerator, _denominator);
// Modifiers //
modifier _oracleNotFinished(uint64 _oracleId) {
require(!isOracleFinished(_oracleId), "Oracle is finished.");