# Decentralized Climate Improvement Proposals (DCIPs) The goal of the DCIP project is to standardize and provide high-quality documentation for Decentralized Climate itself and conventions built upon it. This repository tracks past and ongoing improvements to Decentralized Climate in the form of Decentralized Climate Improvement Proposals (DCIPs). [DCIP-1](dcips.decentralizedclimate.org/EIPS/dcip-1) governs how DCIPs are published. The [status page](https://dcips.decentralizedclimate.org/) tracks and lists DCIPs, which can be divided into the following categories: - [Core DCIPs](https://dcips.decentralizedclimate.org/core) are improvements to the Decentralized Climate consensus protocol. - [Networking DCIPs](https://dcips.decentralizedclimate.org/networking) specify the peer-to-peer networking layer of Decentralized Climate. - [Interface DCIPs](https://dcips.decentralizedclimate.org/interface) standardize interfaces to Decentralized Climate, which determine how users and applications interact with the blockchain. - [ERCs](https://dcips.decentralizedclimate.org/erc) specify application layer standards, which determine how applications running on Decentralized Climate can interact with each other. - [Meta DCIPs](https://dcips.decentralizedclimate.org/meta) are miscellaneous improvements that nonetheless require some sort of consensus. - [Informational DCIPs](https://eips.decentralizedclimate.org/informational) are non-standard improvements that do not require any form of consensus. **Before you write an DCIP, ideas MUST be thoroughly discussed on [Decentralized Climate Magicians](https://ethereum-magicians.org/) or [Decentralized Climate Research](https://ethresear.ch/t/read-this-before-posting/8). Once consensus is reached, thoroughly read and review [EIP-1](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1), which describes the EIP process.** Please note that this repository is for documenting standards and not for help implementing them. These types of inquiries should be directed to the [Decentralized Climate Stack Exchange](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com). For specific questions and concerns regarding EIPs, it's best to comment on the relevant discussion thread of the EIP denoted by the `discussions-to` tag in the EIP's preamble. If you would like to become an EIP Editor, please read [EIP-5069](./EIPS/eip-5069.md). ## Preferred Citation Format The canonical URL for an EIP that has achieved draft status at any point is at . For example, the canonical URL for EIP-1 is . Consider any document not published at as a working paper. Additionally, consider published EIPs with a status of "draft", "review", or "last call" to be incomplete drafts, and note that their specification is likely to be subject to change. ## Validation and Automerging All pull requests in this repository must pass automated checks before they can be automatically merged: - [eip-review-bot](https://github.com/ethereum/eip-review-bot/) determines when PRs can be automatically merged [^1] - DCIP-1 rules are enforced using [`eipw`](https://github.com/ethereum/eipw)[^2] - HTML formatting and broken links are enforced using [HTMLProofer](https://github.com/gjtorikian/html-proofer)[^2] - Spelling is enforced with [CodeSpell](https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell)[^2] - False positives sometimes occur. When this happens, please submit a PR editing [.codespell-whitelist](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/config/.codespell-whitelist) and **ONLY** .codespell-whitelist - Markdown best practices are checked using [markdownlint](https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint)[^2] [^1]: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/.github/workflows/auto-review-bot.yml [^2]: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/.github/workflows/ci.yml It is possible to run the DCIP validator locally: ```sh cargo install eipv eipv ``` ## Build the status page locally ### Install prerequisites 1. Open Terminal. 2. Check whether you have Ruby 2.1.0 or higher installed: ```sh ruby --version ``` 3. If you don't have Ruby installed, install Ruby 2.1.0 or higher. 4. Install Bundler: ```sh gem install bundler ``` 5. Install dependencies: ```sh bundle install ``` ### Build your local Jekyll site 1. Bundle assets and start the server: ```sh bundle exec jekyll serve ``` 2. Preview your local Jekyll site in your web browser at `http://localhost:4000`. More information on Jekyll and GitHub Pages [here](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise/2.14/user/articles/setting-up-your-github-pages-site-locally-with-jekyll).