# Multi-Fractional Non-Fungible Token Solidity Implementation of Multi-Fractional Non-Fungible Token. ## Problem Trying to solve Before, ERC20 Token contract should be deployed every time when fractionalizing a specific NFT. To solve this problem, this standard proposes a token standard to cover multiple fractionalized nft in a contract without having to deploy each time. Issue : https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/4674 PR : https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/4675 ## How to use ``` contracts/ helper/ interface/ math/ MFNFT.sol NFT.sol ERC20Token.sol ``` ### Contracts ``MFNFT.sol`` : Multi-Fractional Non-Fungible Token Contract ``NFT.sol`` : Non-Fungible Token Contract ``ERC20Token.sol`` : Sample ERC-20 Token Contract ``helper/Verifier.sol`` : Contract that verifies the ownership of NFT before fractionalization ``math/SafeMath.sol`` : Openzeppelin SafeMath Library ``interface/IERC20.sol`` : ERC-20 Token Interface ``interface/IERC721.sol`` : ERC-721 Token Interface ``interface/IMFNFT`` : MFNFT Token Interface ### Install & Test Installation ``` npm install ``` Test ``` npx hardhat test ``` Coverage ``` npx hardhat coverage ```