import {ethers} from "hardhat"; import {expect} from 'chai'; import {SignerWithAddress} from "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers"; import {Erc721Consumable} from "../typechain"; describe("ERC721Consumable", async () => { let owner: SignerWithAddress, approved: SignerWithAddress, operator: SignerWithAddress, consumer: SignerWithAddress, other: SignerWithAddress; let token: Erc721Consumable; let snapshotId: any; const tokenID = 1; // The first minted NFT before(async () => { const signers = await ethers.getSigners(); owner = signers[0]; approved = signers[1]; operator = signers[2]; consumer = signers[3]; other = signers[4]; const ConsumableToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("ExampleToken"); const deployedContract = await ConsumableToken.deploy(); await deployedContract.deployed(); token = deployedContract as Erc721Consumable; await; }) beforeEach(async function () { snapshotId = await ethers.provider.send('evm_snapshot', []); }); afterEach(async function () { await ethers.provider.send('evm_revert', [snapshotId]); }); it('should implement ERC165', async () => { expect(await token.supportsInterface("0x953c8dfa")); }) it('should successfully change consumer', async () => { // when: await token.changeConsumer(consumer.address, tokenID); // then: expect(await token.consumerOf(tokenID)).to.equal(consumer.address); }); it('should emit event with args', async () => { // when: const tx = await token.changeConsumer(consumer.address, tokenID); // then: await expect(tx) .to.emit(token, 'ConsumerChanged') .withArgs(owner.address, consumer.address, tokenID); }); it('should successfully change consumer when caller is approved', async () => { // given: await token.approve(approved.address, tokenID); // when: const tx = await token.connect(approved).changeConsumer(consumer.address, tokenID); // then: await expect(tx) .to.emit(token, 'ConsumerChanged') .withArgs(owner.address, consumer.address, tokenID); // and: expect(await token.consumerOf(tokenID)).to.equal(consumer.address); }); it('should successfully change consumer when caller is operator', async () => { // given: await token.setApprovalForAll(operator.address, true); // when: const tx = await token.connect(operator).changeConsumer(consumer.address, tokenID); // then: await expect(tx) .to.emit(token, 'ConsumerChanged') .withArgs(owner.address, consumer.address, tokenID); // and: expect(await token.consumerOf(tokenID)).to.equal(consumer.address); }); it('should revert when caller is not owner, not approved', async () => { const expectedRevertMessage = 'ERC721Consumable: changeConsumer caller is not owner nor approved'; await expect(token.connect(other).changeConsumer(consumer.address, tokenID)); }); it('should revert when caller is approved for the token', async () => { // given: await token.changeConsumer(consumer.address, tokenID); // then: const expectedRevertMessage = 'ERC721Consumable: changeConsumer caller is not owner nor approved'; await expect(token.connect(consumer).changeConsumer(consumer.address, tokenID)); }); it('should revert when tokenID is nonexistent', async () => { const invalidTokenID = 2; const expectedRevertMessage = 'ERC721: owner query for nonexistent token'; await expect(token.changeConsumer(consumer.address, invalidTokenID)); }); it('should revert when calling consumerOf with nonexistent tokenID', async () => { const invalidTokenID = 2; const expectedRevertMessage = 'ERC721Consumable: consumer query for nonexistent token'; await expect(token.consumerOf(invalidTokenID)); }); it('should clear consumer on transfer', async () => { await token.changeConsumer(consumer.address, tokenID); await expect(token.transferFrom(owner.address, other.address, tokenID)) .to.emit(token, 'ConsumerChanged') .withArgs(owner.address, ethers.constants.AddressZero, tokenID); }) it('should emit ConsumerChanged on mint', async () => { await expect( .to.emit(token, 'ConsumerChanged') .withArgs(ethers.constants.AddressZero, ethers.constants.AddressZero, tokenID + 1); }) it('should not be able to transfer from consumer', async () => { const expectedRevertMessage = 'ERC721: transfer caller is not owner nor approved'; await token.changeConsumer(consumer.address, tokenID); await expect(token.connect(consumer).transferFrom(owner.address, other.address, tokenID)) .to.revertedWith(expectedRevertMessage) }) });