import { BigNumber } from "ethers"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { ethers } from "hardhat"; import { ERC3525Example } from "../typechain"; import { SignerWithAddress } from "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers"; const ZERO_ADDRESS = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; const ZERO_TOKEN_ID = 0; let owner: SignerWithAddress, approval: SignerWithAddress, to: SignerWithAddress; let token: ERC3525Example; let snapshotId: any; const fromTokenId = 35251; const toTokenId = 35252; const fromValue = 10000000000; const approveValue = 5000000000; const transferValue = 3000000000; const slotDetails = { name: "Test Slot", description: "Test Slot Description", image: "", underlying: "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE", vestingType: 1, maturity: 1658989800, term: 2592000, value: fromValue, }; describe("ERC3525", function () { before(async () => { const signers = await ethers.getSigners(); owner = signers[0]; approval = signers[1]; to = signers[2]; const ERC3525Factory = await ethers.getContractFactory("ERC3525Example"); token = (await ERC3525Factory.deploy( "TST", "Test 3525", 18 )) as ERC3525Example; await token.deployed(); await, slotDetails.description, slotDetails.image, fromTokenId, slotDetails.underlying, slotDetails.vestingType, slotDetails.maturity, slotDetails.term, slotDetails.value ); await, slotDetails.description, slotDetails.image, toTokenId, slotDetails.underlying, slotDetails.vestingType, slotDetails.maturity, slotDetails.term, 0 ); }); beforeEach(async function () { snapshotId = await ethers.provider.send("evm_snapshot", []); }); afterEach(async function () { await ethers.provider.send("evm_revert", [snapshotId]); }); describe("ERC3525 Example", function () { it("approve value should be success", async () => { await token["approve(uint256,address,uint256)"]( fromTokenId, approval.address, approveValue ); expect(await token.allowance(fromTokenId, approval.address)).to.eq( approveValue ); }); it("transfer value to id should be success", async () => { expect( await token["transferFrom(uint256,uint256,uint256)"]( fromTokenId, toTokenId, transferValue ) ); expect(await token["balanceOf(uint256)"](fromTokenId)).to.eq( fromValue - transferValue ); expect(await token["balanceOf(uint256)"](toTokenId)).to.eq(transferValue); }); it("transfer value to address should be success", async () => { expect( await token["transferFrom(uint256,address,uint256)"]( fromTokenId, to.address, transferValue ) ); expect(await token["balanceOf(uint256)"](fromTokenId)).to.eq( fromValue - transferValue ); const newTokenId = 1000000000 + fromTokenId; expect(await token["balanceOf(uint256)"](newTokenId)).to.eq( transferValue ); }); it("approved value should be correct after transfer value to id", async () => { await token["approve(uint256,address,uint256)"]( fromTokenId, approval.address, approveValue ); const approvalToken = token.connect(approval); await approvalToken["transferFrom(uint256,uint256,uint256)"]( fromTokenId, toTokenId, transferValue ); expect(await token.allowance(fromTokenId, approval.address)).to.eq( approveValue - transferValue ); }); }); });