--- eip: 1328 title: WalletConnect URI Format description: Define URI format for initiating connections between applications and wallets author: ligi (@ligi), Pedro Gomes (@pedrouid) discussions-to: https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/wallet-connect-eip/850 status: Review type: Standards Track category: ERC created: 2018-08-15 --- ## Abstract This standard defines how the data to connect some application and a wallet can be encoded with a URI. This URI can then be shown either as a QR code or as a link. ## Specification ### Syntax WalletConnect request URI with the following parameters: request = "wc" ":" topic [ "@" version ][ "?" parameters ] topic = STRING version = 1*DIGIT parameters = parameter *( "&" parameter ) parameter = key "=" value key = STRING value = STRING ### Semantics Required parameters are dependent on the WalletConnect protocol version: For WalletConnect v1.0 protocol (`version`=`1`) the parameters are: - `key` - symmetric key used for encryption - `bridge` - url of the bridge server for relaying messages For WalletConnect v2.0 protocol (`version`=`2`) the parameters are: - `symKey` - symmetric key used for encrypting messages over relay - `methods` - jsonrpc methods supported for pairing topic - `relay-protocol` - transport protocol for relaying messages - `relay-data` - (optional) transport data for relaying messages ### Example ``` # 1.0 wc:8a5e5bdc-a0e4-4702-ba63-8f1a5655744f@1?bridge=https%3A%2F%2Fbridge.walletconnect.org&key=41791102999c339c844880b23950704cc43aa840f3739e365323cda4dfa89e7a # 2.0 wc:7f6e504bfad60b485450578e05678ed3e8e8c4751d3c6160be17160d63ec90f9@2?relay-protocol=irn&symKey=587d5484ce2a2a6ee3ba1962fdd7e8588e06200c46823bd18fbd67def96ad303&methods=[wc_sessionPropose],[wc_authRequest,wc_authBatchRequest]" ``` ## Rationale This proposal moves away from the JSON format used in the alpha version of the WalletConnect protocol because it suffered from very inefficient parsing of the intent of the QR code, thereby making it easier to create better QR code parsers APIs for wallets to implement. Also by using a URI instead of JSON inside the QR-Code the Android Intent system can be leveraged. ## Backwards Compatibility Versioning is required as part of the syntax for this URI specification to allow the WalletConnect protocol to evolve and allow backwards-compatibility whenever a new version is introduced. ## Security Considerations URIs should be shared between user devices or applications and no sensitive data is shared within the URI that could compromise the communication or would allow control of the user's private keys. ## Copyright Copyright and related rights waived via [CC0](../LICENSE.md).