--- eip: 5008 title: EIP-721 Nonce Extension description: Add a `nonce` function to EIP-721. author: Anders (@0xanders), Lance (@LanceSnow), Shrug discussions-to: https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip5008-eip-721-nonce-and-metadata-update-extension/8925 status: Stagnant type: Standards Track category: ERC created: 2022-04-10 requires: 165, 721 --- ## Abstract This standard is an extension of [EIP-721](./eip-721.md). It proposes adding a `nonce` function to EIP-721 tokens. ## Motivation Some orders of NFT marketplaces have been attacked and the NFTs sold at a lower price than the current market floor price. This can happen when users transfer an NFT to another wallet and, later, back to the original wallet. This reactivates the order, which may list the token at a much lower price than the owner would have intended. This EIP proposes adding a `nonce` property to EIP-721 tokens, and the `nonce` will be changed when a token is transferred. If a `nonce` is added to an order, the order can be checked to avoid attacks. ## Specification The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY" and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. ```solidity interface IERC5008 /* is IERC165 */ { /// @notice Get the nonce of an NFT /// Throws if `tokenId` is not a valid NFT /// @param tokenId The id of the NFT /// @return The nonce of the NFT function nonce(uint256 tokenId) external view returns(uint256); } ``` The `nonce(uint256 tokenId)` function MUST be implemented as `view`. The `supportsInterface` method MUST return `true` when called with `0xce03fdab`. ## Rationale At first `transferCount` was considered as function name, but there may some case to change the `nonce` besides transfer, such as important properties changed, then we changed `transferCount` to `nonce`. ## Backwards Compatibility This standard is compatible with EIP-721. ## Test Cases Test cases are included in [test.js](../assets/eip-5008/test/test.ts). Run: ```sh cd ../assets/eip-5008 npm install npx hardhat test ./test/test.ts ``` ## Reference Implementation See [`ERC5008.sol`](../assets/eip-5008/contracts/ERC5008.sol). ## Security Considerations No security issues found. ## Copyright Copyright and related rights waived via [CC0](../LICENSE.md).