
186 lines
6.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Optional as PyOptional, TypeVar, Type, cast
from remerkleable.basic import uint256
from remerkleable.complex import MonoSubtreeView
from remerkleable.core import BasicView, View, ViewHook
from remerkleable.tree import Gindex, Node, PairNode, get_depth, subtree_fill_to_contents, zero_node
T = TypeVar('T', bound="Optional")
class Optional(MonoSubtreeView):
__slots__ = ()
def __new__(cls, value: PyOptional[Type[T]] = None, backing: PyOptional[Node] = None, hook: PyOptional[ViewHook] = None, **kwargs):
if backing is not None:
if value is not None:
raise Exception("cannot have both a backing and a value to init Optional")
return super().__new__(cls, backing=backing, hook=hook, **kwargs)
elem_cls = cls.element_cls()
assert cls.limit() == 1
input_views = []
if value is not None:
if isinstance(value, View):
input_nodes = cls.views_into_chunks(input_views)
contents = subtree_fill_to_contents(input_nodes, cls.contents_depth())
backing = PairNode(contents, uint256(len(input_views)).get_backing())
return super().__new__(cls, backing=backing, hook=hook, **kwargs)
def __class_getitem__(cls, element_type) -> Type["Optional"]:
if element_type.min_byte_length() == 0:
raise Exception(f"Invalid option type: ${element_type}")
limit = 1
contents_depth = get_depth(limit)
packed = isinstance(element_type, BasicView)
class SpecialOptionView(Optional):
def is_packed(cls) -> bool:
return packed
def contents_depth(cls) -> int:
return contents_depth
def element_cls(cls) -> Type[View]:
return element_type
def limit(cls) -> int:
return limit
SpecialOptionView.__name__ = SpecialOptionView.type_repr()
return SpecialOptionView
def length(self) -> int:
ll_node = super().get_backing().get_right()
ll = cast(uint256, uint256.view_from_backing(node=ll_node, hook=None))
return int(ll)
def value_byte_length(self) -> int:
if self.length() == 0:
return 0
elem_cls = self.__class__.element_cls()
if elem_cls.is_fixed_byte_length():
return elem_cls.type_byte_length()
return cast(View, el).value_byte_length()
def get(self) -> PyOptional[View]:
if self.length() == 0:
return None
return super().get(0)
def set(self, v: PyOptional[View]) -> None:
if v is None:
if self.length() == 0:
i = 0
target = to_gindex(i, self.__class__.tree_depth())
set_last = self.get_backing().setter(target)
next_backing = set_last(zero_node(0))
can_summarize = (target & 1) == 0
if can_summarize:
while (target & 1) == 0 and target != 0b10:
target >>= 1
summary_fn = next_backing.summarize_into(target)
next_backing = summary_fn()
set_length = next_backing.rebind_right
new_length = uint256(i).get_backing()
next_backing = set_length(new_length)
if self.length() == 1:
super().set(0, v)
i = 0
elem_type: Type[View] = self.__class__.element_cls()
if not isinstance(v, elem_type):
v = elem_type.coerce_view(v)
target = to_gindex(i, self.__class__.tree_depth())
set_last = self.get_backing().setter(target, expand=True)
next_backing = set_last(v.get_backing())
set_length = next_backing.rebind_right
new_length = uint256(i + 1).get_backing()
next_backing = set_length(new_length)
def __repr__(self):
value = self.get()
if value is None:
return f"{self.type_repr()}(None)"
return f"{self.type_repr()}(Some({repr(value)}))"
def type_repr(cls) -> str:
return f"Optional[{cls.element_cls().__name__}]"
def is_packed(cls) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
def contents_depth(cls) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
def tree_depth(cls) -> int:
return cls.contents_depth() + 1 # 1 extra for length mix-in
def limit(cls) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
def deserialize(cls: Type[T], stream: BinaryIO, scope: int) -> Type[T]:
if scope == 0:
return cls()
return cls(cls.element_cls().deserialize(stream, scope))
def serialize(self, stream: BinaryIO) -> int:
v = self.get()
if v is None:
return 0
return v.serialize(stream)
def navigate_type(cls, key: Any) -> Type[View]:
if key >= cls.limit():
raise KeyError
return super().navigate_type(key)
def key_to_static_gindex(cls, key: Any) -> Gindex:
if key == '__is_some__':
if key >= cls.limit():
raise KeyError
return super().key_to_static_gindex(key)
def default_node(cls) -> Node:
return PairNode(zero_node(cls.contents_depth()), zero_node(0)) # mix-in 0 as list length
def is_fixed_byte_length(cls) -> bool:
return False
def min_byte_length(cls) -> int:
return 0
def max_byte_length(cls) -> int:
elem_cls = cls.element_cls()
bytes_per_elem = elem_cls.max_byte_length()
return bytes_per_elem