e3bc3774adMerge tag 'Fix_Integer_Overflow/Underflow' into develop
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-06-19 18:58:21 -0500
bcf24dfb70Merge branch 'hotfix/Fix_Integer_Overflow/Underflow'
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-06-19 18:57:35 -0500
0b45255267Fix Integer Overflow / Underflow
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-06-19 18:57:01 -0500
8a2b4024d4Merge tag 'extendableICO' into develop
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-06-08 14:43:52 -0500
efc8046b2bMerge branch 'hotfix/extendableICO'
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-06-08 14:42:49 -0500
83414e1780Tested and Audited appendWeeks function
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-06-08 14:39:52 -0500
618de6cb61Adding DISCLAIMERS
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-06-04 22:52:59 -0500
d97f7cd426adding appendWeeks function
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-05-26 18:28:58 -0500
2623fbe9bdMerge tag '1.2.0' into develop
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-05-09 22:51:19 -0500
3d723163e8Merge branch 'release/1.2.0'
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-05-09 22:49:52 -0500
ced2d42dc3update version
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-05-09 22:47:36 -0500
628cf32976Update CI build at README.md
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-05-08 20:32:16 -0500
22c466bf17Updates Ready for Master, NOTE: includes the integration of the previously audited function updateCCDBAddress
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-05-08 20:20:18 -0500
ec7e25a456Update transferAnyERC20 function test
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-02-27 18:53:03 -0600
f60901512cAdding some test changes since it works in ROPSTEN but there are some possible bugs in truffle
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-02-19 16:30:51 -0600
9dbda4b93dFirst Functional version, added pause and test scripts, ToDO: Remove TransferAnyERC20 and from test
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2020-02-17 23:18:07 -0600
9034a8af4dMigration of DECAs ERC20 to truffle and openzepplin
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2019-12-28 20:25:08 -0600
1af0f37e30Fixed Testing code manages bonus sales and aprove allowance
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2019-11-26 17:30:21 -0800
8b63b3c600Update versions
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2019-11-06 01:35:13 -0600
c1b7d8fe96General updates on documentation and changes against the Allowance Double-Spend Exploit, must verify if it works.
2019-11-06 07:22:42 +0000
6fe80e4f6afixed: the fields in lines 109-117 should bedeclared constants. NOTE: issues with time as constants in lines 114-117
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2019-11-01 15:18:38 -0600
872a28108afixed: The owner would receive significantlymore tokens than they should (the owner does get 20% for exchange to carbon credits), fixed: Arbitrary token minting by the owner (with function getETH at line 286), fixed: Outdated Syntax (now at 0.5.3), fixed: Unlocked Pragma, fixed: lines 247 and 243 repeatcomputations,fixed: the field startDate appears to be unused
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2019-11-01 15:00:02 -0600
6d08410143update version from develop commit fc1c6377 , Must update security issues based on DECA_ERC20_0.4.26.sol
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2019-10-24 00:38:06 -0500
cf06efb5acMerge branch 'feature/hours4test' into 'feature/hours4test'
2019-10-23 22:49:39 +0000
a89db947caSolidity version updated to 0.5.3-2
Oscar Martinez
2019-10-23 17:43:22 -0500
c72d41f558Solidity version updated to 0.5.3
Oscar Martinez
2019-10-23 17:36:22 -0500
ce76b50a56Update the Interface and delete the oldest version, ToDo: update to solidity 0.5.3
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2019-10-17 00:33:01 -0500
d71d0e3c4cFix allowance double spend exploit, testing is missing
Oscar Martinez
2019-10-16 21:54:38 -0500
8d3497982dFirst issues updates, two more to be fixed
David E. Perez Negron Rocha
2019-10-16 17:52:58 -0500
fc1c63778aUpdate weeks instead of days for the security audit, also update LICENSE in for a real name
2019-09-12 20:55:22 -0500