2020-02-18 05:18:07 +00:00
const DECA = artifacts . require ( './DECA.sol' )
// fix legacy web3 bugs
web3 . toAsciiOriginal = web3 . toAscii ;
web3 . toAscii = function ( input ) {
return web3 . toAsciiOriginal ( input ) . replace ( /\u0000/g , '' )
let accCounter = 0 ;
function increaseTime ( duration ) {
const id = Date . now ( )
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
web3 . currentProvider . send ( {
jsonrpc : '2.0' ,
method : 'evm_increaseTime' ,
params : [ duration ] ,
id : id ,
} , err1 => {
if ( err1 ) return reject ( err1 )
web3 . currentProvider . send ( {
jsonrpc : '2.0' ,
method : 'evm_mine' ,
id : id + 1 ,
} , ( err2 , res ) => {
return err2 ? reject ( err2 ) : resolve ( res )
} )
} )
} )
function latestTime ( ) {
return web3 . eth . getBlock ( 'latest' ) . timestamp ;
//bypass testrpc bug
async function getHighBalance ( ) {
var accounts = await web3 . eth . getAccounts ( ) ;
var acc = accounts [ accCounter ] ;
console . dir ( acc )
var b = await web3 . eth . getBalance ( acc ) ;
console . dir ( b )
let high = {
"address" : acc ,
"balance" : b
accCounter ++ ;
return high ;
const duration = {
seconds : function ( val ) {
return val
} ,
minutes : function ( val ) {
return val * this . seconds ( 60 )
} ,
hours : function ( val ) {
return val * this . minutes ( 60 )
} ,
days : function ( val ) {
return val * this . hours ( 24 )
} ,
weeks : function ( val ) {
return val * this . days ( 7 )
} ,
years : function ( val ) {
return val * this . days ( 365 )
} ;
contract ( 'DECA' , function ( accs ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
this . creator = await getHighBalance ( ) ;
this . deca = await DECA . new ( {
from : this . creator . address ,
gas : 6712390
} )
} ) ,
2020-06-08 19:39:52 +00:00
describe ( 'check pause' , function ( ) {
it ( 'should get/set pause' , async function ( ) {
let p = await this . deca . getPause . call ( ) ;
assert . equal ( false , p , "pause should be disabled" )
await this . deca . setPause ( true , { from : this . creator . address , gas : 6712390 } )
p = await this . deca . getPause . call ( ) ;
assert . equal ( true , p , "pause should be enabled" )
} )
it ( 'should fail on pay' , async function ( ) {
await this . deca . setPause ( true , { from : this . creator . address , gas : 6712390 } )
let wasErr = false ;
try {
let rs = await web3 . eth . sendTransaction ( {
from : this . creator . address ,
2020-02-18 05:18:07 +00:00
to : this . deca . address ,
2020-06-08 19:39:52 +00:00
value : 225 ,
2020-02-18 05:18:07 +00:00
gas : 6712390
} ) ;
2020-06-08 19:39:52 +00:00
} catch ( err ) {
wasErr = true ;
await this . deca . setPause ( false , { from : this . creator . address , gas : 6712390 } )
2020-02-18 05:18:07 +00:00
2020-06-08 19:39:52 +00:00
wasErr = false ;
try {
let rs = await web3 . eth . sendTransaction ( {
from : this . creator . address ,
to : this . deca . address ,
value : 225 ,
gas : 6712390
} ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
wasErr = true ;
assert . equal ( false , wasErr , "pause should work" )
2020-02-18 05:18:07 +00:00
} )
2020-06-08 19:39:52 +00:00
it ( 'check intruder pause' , async function ( ) {
var sender = await getHighBalance ( ) ;
await increaseTime ( duration . days ( 1 ) )
await web3 . eth . sendTransaction ( {
from : sender . address ,
to : this . deca . address ,
value : 1 ,
gas : 6712390
} ) ;
let wasErr = false ;
try {
await this . deca . setPause ( true , { from : sender . address , gas : 6712390 } )
} catch ( err ) {
wasErr = true ;
assert . equal ( true , wasErr , "only owner could pause" )
let own = await this . deca . owner ( ) ;
assert . equal ( this . creator . address , own , "owner does not match" )
} )
} )
2020-02-18 05:18:07 +00:00
describe ( 'check crowdsale dates' , function ( ) {
it ( 'check preICOEnds' , async function ( ) {
var sender = await getHighBalance ( ) ;
await increaseTime ( duration . days ( 1 ) )
await web3 . eth . sendTransaction ( {
from : sender . address ,
to : this . deca . address ,
value : 1 ,
gas : 6712390
} ) ;
let bonus2Ends = await this . deca . balanceOf . call ( sender . address )
assert . equal ( bonus2Ends . toString ( 10 ) , '300' , "preICOEnds wrong token balance" )
} )
it ( 'check bonus1Ends' , async function ( ) {
var sender = await getHighBalance ( ) ;
await increaseTime ( duration . days ( 7 ) + duration . hours ( 1 ) )
await web3 . eth . sendTransaction ( {
from : sender . address ,
to : this . deca . address ,
value : 1 ,
gas : 6712390
} ) ;
let bonus2Ends = await this . deca . balanceOf . call ( sender . address )
assert . equal ( bonus2Ends . toString ( 10 ) , '275' , "bonus1Ends wrong token balance" )
} )
it ( 'check bonus2Ends' , async function ( ) {
var sender = await getHighBalance ( ) ;
await increaseTime ( duration . weeks ( 3 ) + duration . hours ( 1 ) )
await web3 . eth . sendTransaction ( {
from : sender . address ,
to : this . deca . address ,
value : 1 ,
gas : 6712390
} ) ;
let bonus2Ends = await this . deca . balanceOf . call ( sender . address )
assert . equal ( bonus2Ends . toString ( 10 ) , '250' , "bonus2Ends wrong token balance" )
} )
it ( 'check endDate' , async function ( ) {
await increaseTime ( duration . weeks ( 11 ) + duration . hours ( 1 ) )
let wasErr = false ;
try {
let rs = await web3 . eth . sendTransaction ( {
from : this . creator . address ,
to : this . deca . address ,
value : 225 ,
gas : 6712390
} ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
wasErr = true ;
assert . equal ( true , wasErr , "crowdsale should be stopped" )
} )
2020-06-08 19:39:52 +00:00
it ( 'check appendWeeks' , async function ( ) {
await increaseTime ( duration . weeks ( 10 ) )
// get endDate before
let endDateBefore = await this . deca . endDate . call ( ) ;
// add one week
await this . deca . appendWeeks ( 1 , {
from : this . creator . address ,
gas : 6712390
} ) ;
// get endDate after
let endDateAfter = await this . deca . endDate . call ( ) ;
// 1 week = 604800 seconds
assert . equal ( 604800 , endDateAfter - endDateBefore , "appendWeeks does not work" ) ;
} )
2020-02-18 05:18:07 +00:00
} )
2020-06-08 19:39:52 +00:00
2020-02-28 00:53:03 +00:00
describe ( 'transferAnyERC20Token' , async function ( ) {
it ( 'check transfer from external' , async function ( ) {
var sender = await getHighBalance ( ) ;
await web3 . eth . sendTransaction ( {
from : sender . address ,
to : this . deca . address ,
value : 1 ,
gas : 6712390
} ) ;
let decaBalance = await this . deca . balanceOf . call ( this . deca . address )
await this . deca . transfer ( this . deca . address , 10 , { from : sender . address , gas : 6712390 } )
decaBalance = await this . deca . balanceOf . call ( this . deca . address )
assert . equal ( decaBalance . toString ( 10 ) , '10' , " contract should have balance" )
let wasErr = false ;
try {
let ok = await this . deca . transferAnyERC20Token ( this . deca . address , 10 , {
from : this . creator . address ,
gas : 6712390
} )
assert . equal ( true , ok , "transferAnyERC20Token should return positive result" )
} catch ( err ) {
console . dir ( err )
wasErr = true ;
assert . equal ( true , wasErr , "transferAnyERC20Token should proces without error" )
} )
} )
2020-02-19 22:30:51 +00:00
// describe('check payout', async function () {
2020-02-28 00:53:03 +00:00
// it.only('check getETH', async function () {
2020-02-19 22:30:51 +00:00
// let decaBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(this.deca.address);
// assert.equal(decaBalance.toString(10), '0', " wrong contract balance")
// var sender = await getHighBalance();
// await web3.eth.sendTransaction({
// from: sender.address,
// to: this.deca.address,
// value: 1000,
// gas: 6712390
// });
// decaBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(this.deca.address);
// assert.equal(decaBalance.toString(10), '1000', " wrong contract balance")
// let senderTokenBalance = await this.deca.balanceOf.call(sender.address)
// assert.equal(senderTokenBalance.toString(10), '200000', " wrong sender balance")
// await increaseTime(duration.weeks(12));
// let wasErr = false;
// try {
// await this.deca.getETH({from: this.creator.address, gas: 6712390})
// } catch (err) {
// console.dir(err)
// wasErr = true;
// }
// assert.equal(false, wasErr, "getETH not possible to test because of bug in truffle, check status of bug: https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle/issues/2811")
// decaBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(this.deca.address);
// assert.equal(decaBalance.toString(10), '0', " balance of the DECA expected to be empty")
// })
// })
2020-02-18 05:18:07 +00:00
} )